How many of you have a porn star body?

Sometimes. My weight tends to yo-yo. When I’m at the lower end of my range, yes. At the upper end, only if there is porn niche that targets lovehandle fetishists.

Thanks. Glad someone noticed it.

I’ll be in my bunk.

I make Ron Jeremy look like he has a porn star body.

Only for certain specialty tastes could I be considered to have a porn star body. I do have great tits, though.

I’m female, by the way.

I’ve been told many times that I look amazingly like Ron Jeremy, so I guess I do have a porn star body. At DragonCon this year, I was stopped repeatedly by people that thought I was either Ron himself or was “in costume” as Ron. My wife and friends all got a big laugh out of it. Of course, it was nice to have random people buying me drinks for looking like their favorite porn star. :slight_smile:

-Belz (like Ron Jeremy, only 20 years younger)

I get the feeling that I think I’m much hotter than I actually am. I’d say yes, but most people who know me might say no.

I’m male.

I’m not well muscled nor physically large enough for most high end porn I think. I’m in shape though: 5’7, 150 lbs with little body fat. (I have a broad frame) I’m decent looking enough now that my beard has filled out past the scruffy stage, and I’m well hung. So probably I could do well in amateur style flicks.

Me . . . no. My partner . . . yes, both straight and gay. In fact he’s been offered big money on many occasions, and has always turned it down.

But are you “Ron Jeremy” where it counts? Without that, it’s not much of a claim to fame.

I think you have this process slightly backwards.

As for the OP: no, not really - probably not since high school. Although my wife likes me fine, and I’ve had admiring/flattering comments from female friends now and then.

I’m more attractive than a lot of male porn stars.

The dead ones at least.

Most of the dead ones anyway.

I have the body of someone in the porn industry.

Unfortunately it is the body of a porn producer, not one of the stars.