My first thought was crowd misbehaviour punching someone, throwing rocks, breaking something, stealing something, but the list could go on and on all the way to murder, uh?
We have all exceeded the speed limit or ran a stop sign at one time, but what about real crime … the kind can get you in jail to serve time?
I’m first I sold drugs in the 70’s and got away with it, but now I am clean and feel sorry for those that don’t understand the loss of job and what a record of crime can do to your future.
I’ve done 140 in a 65. Pretty sure that could have landed me in jail. There’s probably other things, if the law were so inclined to harshly punish. I assume most people have done something in their life that could theoretically end up with jail time. Oh, and while I’ve never sold pot, way back when I was a very occasional user (on the order of a couple times a year), so even something as simple as mere possession could end up with a jail sentence, if I understand correctly. What about fake IDs? I once made one for a German girlfriend of mine who was just under legal age. I’m guessing that’s probably criminal in some way. So, nothing super exciting there, but stuff that could be prosecuted should some judge/police want to be an asshole.
The only “real” crimes I recall committing are 1) possessing illegal drugs and 2) failure to register for selective service. Probably a few DUIs too, which are the only ones for which up I’m truly ashamed.
I’m fairly certain when the Supreme Court rules state laws unconstitutional, it means that they were never laws. An illegal law isn’t a law. Assuming you’re in the US, you’re not a felon. Not because of this, anyway.
I stole some baseball cards from the local drugstore when I was a kid. I don’t think jail is standard for petty theft, certainly not for a kid, but perhaps technically?
I’ve committed crimes that are technically punishable by jail time, but realistically I wouldn’t have gotten any since they were all non violent misdemeanors.
Jaywalking, loitering or walking home drunk are technically misdemeanors punishable by jail time, but rarely ever are.
Over 50% of people have used illegal drugs, that alone would ensnare a lot of people. In many situations drug possession can be a major felony, like if you are around a school, children or are transporting them.
A lot of people have committed DUIs and crimes involving illegal drugs. Most of those wouldn’t result in jail time though, at least on the first offense. Same with minor theft, shoplifting, maybe taking a piece of public property. You need to do something more serious to get jail time and it’s going to be a fairly small percentage of the population who have committed such crimes without getting caught. One of the big areas might be sexual assaults and rape, these crimes are under-reported to begin with.
As far as percentages, I would bet that the majority of us would be eligible for a criminal record if every little thing had been noticed and prosecuted.
I swiped a Baby Ruth candy bar when I was 8 or 9. At the time, it would have cost a nickel, and if the store hadn’t gone out of business eons ago, I’d have sent them a buck to make up for it. I don’t think my shoplifting led to their collapse, tho.
You may not be able to make amends to those people but you can atone in other meaningful ways. Won’t suggest anything in particular as you can probably figure it out yourself if you contemplate the challenge.