How many people were dropped as a small child?

Mum and dad were swinging lil’ Demian on a hammock at the beach. Dad lost his grip, Demian flew 4 feet away.

Not that anyone has admitted, but I’ve always had this extra knot of bone behind my right ear. S’weird. I got a lumpy melon no one can explain.

I was dropped on my head as a small child. It made me mentally challenged so that I could not perform complex intellectual tasks. Fortunately I found a career in law.

Now we know what to do if we want our kids to grow up to be lawyers.

If you want to be well-supported in your old age, people, drop that kid on it’s noggin a few times!

Everyone must have been dropped. If someone says no, they may not even remember it due to a concussion.

When I was 8, my family rented a U-Haul trailer to haul a bunch of bales of pine straw. It was enclosed. I wanted to ride in it on the way home, and Dad told me I could if I promised to stay all the way at the front of the trailer. Of course, right as he takes the sharp uphill right that leads to our house, I’m at the back of the trailer trying to push the doors open. (It was dark, and I was 8, and what’s the point of riding in a trailer if the door is closed. And I was 8). I tumbled out and rolled down the street all the way to the bottom of the hill. And then had to walk home. To make matters worse, they hadn’t yet noticed I wasn’t in the trailer. Apparently too busy getting my 2 yr old sis out of the car and into the house.

I was too angry to notice if I was hurt, and they were laughing too hard to notice.

I think that anyone with even a semi-normal childhood was either dropped or fell on his head. It’s part of being a kid. Both of my children were properly dropped, one of them more than once.

I was almost dropped by my oldest first cousin. I was about 2 then. (I am 64 now; he recently became the first member of my generation, among our relatives, to die. :frowning: )

For all intents and purposes, every mother has dropped her baby. Some are just more willing to admit it than others. A baby’s skeleton is a remarkably malleable and resilient thing. Nine times out of ten all you have to do is pick them up, dust them off, and push the reset button.

Don’t think I was ever dropped but sometimes Dad talks about the day I nearly drowned after falling into a Kentucky creek.