How Much Does An Ancient Roman Amphora Cost?

I would like to buy one for my garden. I understand they are quite common-they were the common containers of the ancient worl-used for wine, olive oil, etc. A few years ago, I knew a guy who had worked on an archaeological dig in Greece-they had tons of them.
Anybody know what the going price is?

For a quick ballpark, search for “roman amphora” on eBay, Antiques category, and check “completed listings.” (You’ll need to log in.)

Actual sale prices are shown in green. Red prices mean the reserve wasn’t met. They seem pretty, and not at all expensive, but I don’t know how to tell what’s really authentic. Caveat emptor.

Oops. You said greece, didn’t you. Maybe just leave off “roman” to open up the search.

I have to say, though, what I see on eBay seems a bit small. The good large pieces might be a lot more expensive. I saw a live auction listing starting at 600 euros.

I secon the eBay suggestions. Small ones or damaged ones can be very reasonable. A large real one? Very very expensive, so much so that it’d be silly to leave it out in the weather. It’d be ruined or stolen.

You can get an excellent replica for a modest price.

Surpisingly you can get smallish, non-perfect but usable ancient Chinese china fairly reasonably.