How much is 19,000 Hong Kong dollars worth in Hong Kong?

What I mean is, I’m not asking for an exchange rate. I’m asking what you can get with that number of Hong Kong dollars, if you live in Hong Kong.

8,636 trips accross Victoria Harbour on the Star Ferry

Doesn’t that depend on:
(1) upper or lower deck
(2) weekdays or weekends?

Monday to Friday, it would be 9,500 trips on the lower deck. Weekends, it would be 6,333 trips on the upper deck.

That’s about the monthly rent for a small apartment in the city in the private market.

Depressingly, that is also way more than what many people there make in a month. My understanding is that there are still many jobs that pay less than HKD 10000 a month. :frowning:

:not worthy:

And you better do your Star Ferry trips soon while it’s still there. The government has just torn down the historical Star Ferry terminal a few years ago. It will not entirely surprise me if Star Ferry, or even the Harbour for that matter, will be gone in the future. There will be public outrage, but that never seems to bother the bureaucrats. They seem to have abosolutely no interest in preserving Hong Kong’s heritage.

Next you’re going to tell me they no longer fire the Noon Day Gun and that you can’t get the hydrofoil to Macau!

The hydrofoil may be on its way out. I think they’re talking about building a bridge to Macau…

That would be a very long bridge, but I’m not surprised to hear it’s under discussion all the same…

Looking at Wiki, it looks like construction started in December last year. Yes, it is a very long bridge indeed.

I’m expecting Hong Kong and Macau to switch to driving on the right in the near future. As they become more and more integrated into China, it’s going to become harder and harder to justify driving on the left.

19000 Hong Kong Dollars are worth 1470.52 United Kingdom Pounds · 19000 Hong Kong Dollars are worth 2435.75 United States Dollars · 19000 Hong Kong Dollars …

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In 1978, you could buy 190 nights with a deliriously beautiful 18-year old girl from Wanchai. I don’t even remember her name, but she played the guitar singing “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child.”

Even a single trip may be enough. William Holden met Nancy Kwan on his very first trip in The World of Suzie Wong. (And I met the unforgettable Miss What’s-her-name after my very first trip.)

Those who do live in public housing…so it’s not quite as horrible as it sounds. Some of my wife’s family are in that demographic and I spent a fair amount of time with them and in their housing in the 1990’s.

Not sure how up to date and accurate this is but lists a Big Mac at HK$13.3 (USD1.71), which sounds about right to me. Currency Converter | Foreign Exchange Rates | OANDA