How Much is Too Much Lead?

I inherited a set of leaded crystal glasses from my grandmother a while back, and have been doing furious internet research on whether or not they are safe to drink from.

I haven’t turned up much. The best I can find is that you shouldn’t drink from them every day, and that vitamin C and Calcium help to counteract lead poisoning.

I also am having trouble finding out what the stickers on them mean. They each have one that says, “More than 24% PBo.”

I assume PB stands for lead, past that I’m lost. It would be so much more comforting for someone to just say how much lead is dangerous.

Anyone have any answers?

I can tell you more than 24% PbO means more than 24% lead oxide by weight. Lead crystal is typically postassium silicate glass doped with a certain amount of lead oxide, in this case, more than 24%.

After some googling, I came up with the following from the Harvard Health Letter, April 1991, investigating the storage of alcohol in lead crystal containers:

So it seems you’ll okay if you’re not storing alcohol in the crystal and if you don’t drink from them regularly. Though, it’s probably best if pregnant women and children don’t drink from them at all. You can read more about precautions at wikipedia ( and a government website (

I should note that I’m fairly confident all of this is true, but I’m no doctor–just a glass researcher. I hope someone more qualified doper can give you a second opinion.