Most people I know have given up on The Simpsons years ago. They are all sick of it and think it has dragged on for too long. How much longer does it have on the air? I know it will probably be re-run until the last TV station shuts down for good, but how long will it still be in production?
As long as it remains profitable.
I can’t remember the last time I watched a new Simpsons show. I guess someone does or the low Nielsens would shut it down.
As Troy McCleur said way back in The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
“Who knows what adventures they’ll have between now and the time the show becomes unprofitable?”
Until either Dan Castellaneta, Hank Azaria, or Nancy Cartwright decide they’re done, I imagine. They’d probably push on without any of the others.
Yea, at this point it seems like it’ll continue until one of the principals is unwilling or unable to continue. Since they’ve already show they’re willing to take a sizable paycut so that the show can continue on despite ratings that are much diminished from its peak, I imagine it’ll end up being the latter case.
Harry Sherer is the oldest regular cast-member by a considerable margin, at 70. So he conceivably has a decade or more left in him. Though I guess a lot of peoples voices get kinda shaky once they get older, so its certainly possible he’ll have to give it up prior to actually dying in the recording studio.
hell if I know. I was in 8th grade when The Simpsons premiered. I’m now way more than old enough to have a child in 8th grade.
I was Bart’s age when I first saw the Simpson’s. I’ve watched with creeping horror as flashbacks to Homer’s High-school days have gotten closer and closer to my Highschool days.
As things stand, I may be seeing episodes where Grandpa Simpson flashes back to listening to Grunge and hanging out at Starbucks as a young man before they finally kill the show.
No way would they keep going without the voice of Marge or Lisa or all of the secondary characters Harry Shearer voices.
For the record, I’m still a fan and a regular viewer. Their cultural impact has passed, but their ratio of good shows to bad still holds up quite well.
It is a bit of a chore from time to time to watch a Moe episode and think back on all the previous times he or his bar have gotten a makeover, or to watch Krusty hit bottom yet again. There are still plenty of little recent gems, though: the Book Job, the cruise ship, the Inception episode, the Iceland episode, Albert Brooks as a fat-camp instructor. Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind. Even the Lego crossover was surprisingly sweet. The one with all the keys and the little train that farted was worthy of the classic years.
I don’t know but it’s been at least a decade since The Simpsons stopped being The Simpsons.
Why Hank Azaria and not Harry Shearer? I can’t imagine a Simpsons without Burns, Smithers, or Flanders.
As for the OP, the Simpsons will continue until that dead horse is beat to dust, and then probably still go on.
Yea, given that they’ve stuck with retiring actors whose voice-actors died, they presumably wouldn’t try and replace Azaria or Shearer. And its hard to see the show continuing with such a huge chunk of the most popular regular characters disappearing at once.
Hear! Hear! The pooter-toot express will always have a special place in my heart.
I’m going to agree with Tom Tildrum and not with Stringbean. It’s still recognizably the same show.
I still try to catch every new epsode that comes on (I did so last night), and I usually enjoy them. Not as much as during the show’s “golden age,” but that’s partly because the quality isn’t as consistently high, either from week to week or within an episode, and partly because so many things have already been done and it’s lost its freshness and novelty. Balancing the latter, though, for me at least, is the familiarity and comfort of knowing that The Simpsons is still around, still putting out new episodes as they have been for pretty much my entire adult life, and as long as that remains so, the World I Knew will not have entirely disappeared.
I forgot about Shearer. Add him to the list.
I think it’s already gone. The promos Ive seen for it indicate that the Simpsons have just become characters in a portmanteau show featuring other cartoon characters too.
Haven’t seen it since I stopped living in America, but I suspect new generations will be into it long after the old geezers stop watching.
Until they lose Phil Hartman.
I can’t imagine the show going on without Troy McClure or Lionel Hutz.
I’m still waiting for the Troy McClure / Edna Krabappel wedding episode…