hell, what do you need, lessee. heart, one lung, one kidney, pancreas, liver, intestines (and maybe only small), brain, skin.
what can you do without? spleen, gall bladder, stomach (saw a story once bout a man who swallowed drano in a botched (verrrry botched) suicide attempt- they took out his esophagus and stomach, and his small intestine was threaded up over his rib cage (under the skin, of course) and up his neck- food went right into his duodenum, and he had to massage it down his throat and ribs, like he was stroking a very long, very imaginary beard- freaky), eyes, lower jaw, ears, legs, one arm (maybe both, if you have a helpful manservant- but how would you ring the bell to summon him?), probably large intestine (as long as you make sure to stay hydrated), one’s neener bits, not sure about which glands you need (not even sure which glands are organs, to tell the truth), most of your peritoneum, definitely all of your perineum, most of the muscles (all of the voluntary ones, i think- again, assuming you have a faithful manservant), your spine (providing you have a way to support your spinal cord- perfect job for a manservant), and your cranium.
provided you have a helmet.
oh, and by the way, I Am Not A Doctor (but i would get rid of all that spare baggage for ya, for a small fee).
and, if you ever need a trusty manservant, i’m your man. small fee. trust me- you wouldn’t have to ever even ring the bell. i’d always be at your side, valient and dependable.