How much snow do you get?

I’m sitting here in Springfield, Missouri, in the southwest corner of the state. Down here, our average anual snowfall is 17’ to 20’ depending on what part of the Ozarks you live in. While we usually get some snow each year, winters are still usually mild. We have 4-7" of snow on the ground right now depending on where you live, but that is unusual this early in the year. I know some other places on the East coast that normally do not get a lot of snow have been hammered in the past few days. By comparison, where are you, and how much snow do you normally get?

I live in upstate New York, and I got 18 1/2’’ while 1/2 an hour south they got 5". Normally we would have gotten 10-12" on this kind of a storm.

I live in the Upstate of South Carolina. We generally get an inch or two a year, but it almost always melts away within a day. It is also true that Southerns freak out when snow is forecasted. I am from the mountains of West Virginia, so it doesn’t bother me.

Now ice storms are a different story. Last year, we had a nasty one and my house was without power for 8 days.

In Austin TX we get measurable snow (usually about 1/4") about once every 5-7 years. Each winter will bring flurries a few times, but they rarely stick.

We get a good ice storm about once a year or two. A thin layer of ice that makes cars crash, people make a run on the grocery stores, and all schools and businesses to close until the temperature will be above freezing for a whole day.

In Hokkaido, Japan, where we live now gets relatively little snow, maybe 2 to 3 metres accumulatated over the season. One snow dump will be anything from 5cm - 80cm at a time, and we get snow maybe once a week on average here.

In the Sapporo area, it snows a LOT more, I think last year was about 7m accumulated depth, and most mornings I found I had to shovel at least six inches of snow. During blizzards we’d have to turn out every couple of hours in order to keep up with it. Roll over in bed and decide deal with it the next day, and you’d be faced with thigh high snow to plough through the next morning - erk! My car used to literally disappear.

We are moving back to that area next year, oh joy.

I believe the last time it snowed here was January 10, 1949.

I believe the last time it snowed here was 7997 BC, can’t remember if June 10 or 11. The last ice age anyway.

Hey, but the plastic Xmas trees on sale on the roadside have white plastic snow on them! Does that count?

I know the last time it snowed here (Tel-Aviv) was in 1950 - so compared to notquitekarpov, and even cynic, I guess this is ski country!
(Not that I was around to see it - these are my father’s stories. And I ain’t that young no more, either…)

It does snow quasi-annually (i.e. - 0-2 times a year) in Jerusalem, though. A few inches each time - but that’s usually enough to bring the city crashing to a halt for a few hours, until the stuff melts :frowning:


This is a sort of survey, so I’ll move it to IMHO.

moderator GQ

I’ve seen averages for my town anywhere from 140 inches a year to 185 inches a year - but those are averages, and from my experience, they are very, very low. Musta been bad snow years that those came from - the past few years have been more like 240 inches a year, and I think the winter of 2000/2001 saw 319 inches.

This page lists my town as the #2 snowiest town in the US.

So far we haven’t gotten too much snow, and the bulk of it has come down in the past 24 hours. There are drifts of maybe 2 feet in the driveway. Had to watch the puppy when I took her out back to do her business this morning - didn’t want to lose her in a snowbank!

I live about 1/2 mile from the continental divide in central Colorado. It usually starts snowing in late October. Our big snows however are in the spring. March and April.

The snow doesn’t completely melt until June (depending on May storms).

The closest town with any data is Breckenridge (they are 1600 feet lower than me). This site says the average is 167 inches a year.

Our snowiest Month is March, so when it feels like winter is over, it’s just beginning.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Total
Lowest 3.0 2.1 4.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 2.0 2.7 58.7
Average 22.3 23.5 25.4 25.1 11.2 2.4 0.2 0.0 3.9 12.2 20.4 22.2 167.7
Highest 80.2 84.5 120.4 72.5 43.9 16.0 5.6 0.5 53.0 64.5 59.2 86.9 404.8

I live in the North Carolina Piedmont, and we saw snow exactly once all last winter. It came in with a big ice storm. Apparently, this is pretty normal; it’ll snow an inch or two maybe twice or three times in a winter. The mountains and foothills just east of us get a fair bit of snow, but we get ice instead.

There’s usually some kind of fluffy white stuff sticking to the ground about once a year here in the Dallas area, with the added bonus of the standard Texas ice storm at least once a year with a quarter-inch layer of ice on all surfaces making safe driving impossible.

Fun thing is, the two often don’t coincide.

Had about 1/2" at my house this morning. Just enough to make all the idiots drive 23 miles an hour across the eight mile, perfectly flat and straight valley on the way to work. :rolleyes:

Up in the mountains, at which the foot I now sit, I am hoping for a foot or more of fresh. Did I mention my season ski pass? No? Well, I got one! Might go tommorrow, or Sunday, or both! :smiley:

BCS stands for (illegitimate child) + (crowing rooster) + (Tootsie Pops)

I’m in Southern NH. Last weekend, we got 15-18 inches (it was actually worse to the South of us for a change). Last year we got about 70-80 inches (I can’t remember the precise amount) for the season, most of it in 3 large storms of about 15-20 inches each.

San Jose CA got snow at sea level the first day we arrived. And I haven’t seen it snow for the next 30 years, although the surrounding mountains of course get impassible.

While it’ll never snow where I am, we did get some snow on Mauna Kea which I’ll count cause I grew up just a little ways down the road. Looks like it’s nearly gone already. Hopefully there will be more this winter. That was always a blast. Sledding in the morning and relaxing on the beach in the afternoon.

I’m in Toronto. There’s almost no snow here. Which seems odd, but then, I’ve never lived here before.

No snow here. Curse this Gulf Stream of yours!

The last time it snowed in Central Mississippi, was on this day, Dec 13, 1997. A Cold front overran a burst of gulf storms, and we got seven inches of snow all over the area. I was on my honeymoon in Vicksburg at the time, and couldn’t go anywhere without sliding off a steep hill.

That was six years ago.