How much useful table meat will an averge deer yield?

Chronic wasting is a form of Spongiform encephal(hell I can’t spell it)
info can be found at Wisconsin DNR web site.

Right, but we don’t know is if CWD produces nvCJD in humans yet, do we? Anyway, if you really feel compelled to eat dear-brains that badly, you likely have bigger issues to deal with.

In my experience, the liver and heart is treasured and eaten right away, usually at elk/deer camp as soon as the beastie is brought in and being butchered.

I haven’t heard any demand for the other bits you mentioned, other than the rangers requesting elk kidneys for research purposes.

You just have to stop by the Finland (hyway 169 north-east of Ely MN) during Moose season, There is a Conservation officer reported to collect the “STONES” from the bulls, He allegedly cooked them there for all to sample.
Got to check it out!

Now how do you plan on boiling the head of the beast w/out the spinal cord and assosiated tissues from yada yada yada…

Head cheese should go into the Norton Protect along with Lutefisk!!!

Do you midwesterners really eat all that stuff, or are you just big kidders.
gbrohman’s Lutefisk for example. :eek: :rolleyes: :wally :dubious: :confused: :mad:

Probably if you shoot an Average Deer, you will get about 125 or so pounds of meat. However, you will only be able to cary 100 pounds of it back to your wagon. :wink:

And now that I’ve shown my age, Virtually every other doper is scratching their head. It references the Classic edutainment game for the Apple lle “Oregon Trail”.


Nothing to make you feel ““old”” than to mention a 15 year computer program.
Nothing to make you feel “young” than to mention a 15 year old computer program.

No, no, no… Bison and bear were the only animals which gave you more than 100 pounds per beast. Deer always gave you between 60 and 70, consistent with what earlier posters have said. Of course, on a typical hunting outing (if you were any good with a gun) you’d bag two, so “125 but you can only carry 100” is reasonable for two dear.

The butcher that my husband takes his deer to only gives us back the muscle meat, no organ meats. Since the deer has to be field-dressed before it’s taken in, the liver and stomach are already gone. I never even thought to ask about getting the brain or tongue back - but I don’t think I’d eat those anyway.

Shouldn’t that be “is reasonable for two deer.”

Or maybe “is reasonable for two deer, dear.”

It’s dead. It doesn’t resist having parts removed, you know. What, you think the braincase is impenetrable?

Now there’s an exchange I don’t understand at all.

Sheesh. I found and corrected that same typo in another sentence in that post, and thought I was done with it.

Bah, that’s alright. justwannano emphasized (using italics) the wrong word anyway. Sometimes the nit jumps from the head of the pickee straight to the head of the picker. :stuck_out_tongue: