How much would it cost?

Say I had some expendable cash and I wanted to get my new VW Beetle painted all funky like the one in Austin Powers II (or like Janice Joplin’s). How much would something like that cost? Thousands? Tens of Thousands? Would it be something I could show at car shows?

By the way, I have neither expendable cash OR a new Beetle, but I may in the future! You never know!

I mean something like this:
I know that’s not the Beetle, but it’s the same idea- an all over paintjob of varying patterns.


It’s Janis Joplin and it was a Porche she had painted all fancy.

I think that most of those paint jobs are air brushed. Quite expensive, if you get someone that is good to do it.
My son has a Suzuki Swift and he had a mural painted on the hood. It can be seen here:

Keep in mind this is a small car, just like a Geo Metro. He had only the hood done. It was $700.00.

Hope this helps and also hope the link works, since I’m not very good at links yet.

That is very possibly the funniest thing I ever saw. A Suzuki Swift with a hood mural. I about peed myself. I nominate that link for Weird Earl’s.

If I had even had a remote thought that I would get smart *** comments like that, I would never have posted to this thread. Try to answer a legitimate question and look at what you get. Sheesh

I too nominate that for Weird Earl’s. That’s great!

I especially like the low-rider tires.

What exactly does your son do for a living, Cheezit?

Excuse me, I was ASKING A QUESTION. Please start another thread about cheezit’s son’s truck! (By the way, it’s really rude to make fun of something he obviously takes pride in. It’s called “being nice”. Look into it)

Cheez, that’s what I was talking about, only all over. Thanks for the info!

Anyone else?




Thank you so much, cheezit. I have a Suzuki Swift, and now I know that A) there’s anotherone out there somewhere, and B) I’m not the only who feels it needs to be in some way overcompensated for. My favorite line, in referring to my car: It comes with its own carrying case!

Now I’m going to have to paint it. Maybe to look like a skateboard. No, that would be too confusing. Maybe a gerbil, or NO! a wombat! It’s shaped just like a wombat, and it would probably lose to one in a fair fight. A Mighty Morphin Power Wombat!

Thanks for your reply, lissener. Very helpful. Sheesh!

The paint job can range from priceless to ridiculous to probably really damned expensive.

This site gives some interesting advice about how to score a free custom job for a Beetle.

Custom painters are notorious for not being forthright about what a job is going to cost. One should always get a firm estimate and an agreement as to what the artistic content is going to be.

Thanks Sofa! :slight_smile: