How not to sell your Corvette

Do not take videos of yourself speeding at up to 195mph on local roads and then post them on Youtube.

Say you have a highly modified corvette that you want to sell on Ebay. You list the details but don’t think it adequately describes your masterwork. Just link to the evidence of its power and speed. What could go wrong? :smack:

Troopers use YouTube to catch Oklahoma City speeder

Have you got any other great examples of foot-shooting?

Brilliant. There are any number of videos out there depicting highway shenanigans; the smart ones don’t provide any personal identifying information, e.g. the driver’s face or unique features of the vehicle.

Here’s a good example. Yes, the traffic stop is clearly staged, but the driving is real and insane; and you never see the driver’s face or the vehicle’s license plate, and the end credits don’t name anyone, so everything remains deniable.