So, with the SoCal housing market as stupid as it is, DeathLlama and I have taken to dropping in on various open houses to see what’s out there, what it’s going for, and how our place compares. (We kick around the idea of selling, but thus far have decided against it.)
Okay, folks. For an Open House, lots and lots of people come trudging through your house. You’d think you’d want to have the best possible presentation. But stunningly, that is not the case. Really, how badly do these people want to sell their place?!
How not to sell your house, all based on observations at real Open House walk-throughs:
Don’t bother cleaning. Have dishes in the sink, giant piles of paper in the office, mildew in the shower, dust collecting everywhere, big stains in the carpet, etc. No one really cares about that, right? I mean, they can clean it themselves.
Don’t bother finishing projects. Instead, leave lots of half-finished stuff around to make the place look extra uninviting. Rip off sections of baseboard for new wall-mounted bookshelves, and don’t replace it–a little raw wood splintering in the corners is fine for presenting your house at its best. Paint half the baseboard, finish half the molding, cover an entire exterior wall in drywall but don’t have it finished before presenting it, and if you must repaint, do it sloppily.
Put a scented Plug-In in every room, and maybe they won’t notice That Smell.
Stick around. That’s right–kick back, have some fast food, watch a movie on TV, and yell at the dog while the house-shoppers tiptoe around you.
Speaking of dogs–leave him/her to wander around, sniff shoes and other parts, and escape constantly inside/outside (wherever they’re not supposed to be) due to all the folks trying to check out the back yard. Then, whine about people letting the dog in/out.
Lock rooms. Hey, if they buy the place, they can look at it then, right?
Leave your severely handicapped teen/early 20s son in his room to play with his toys and stare unblinking at the visitors. If people are uncomfortable and don’t want to walk into his room to check out the floorplan and closet space, that’s THEIR intolerance problem.
Have as much crap as possible shoved in as many places as possible. Boxes, magazines, books, and God Knows What obstruct views, but people can still figure it out on their own.
Don’t bother with a colorfully illustrated, detailed flyer. Make it a crappy xerox of a xerox, preferably sans photos, listing the basic info one can get from the online listing. As an added bonus–leave off the price; it’s good to keep them guessing.
Make sure your realtor is as annoying as possible. Have them follow people all around the house, asking questions about if they have a house, do they want to sell their house, what is their price range, where are you looking, can I sell your house, can I email you houses for sale, what do you think–want me to run some numbers for you, etc. Now, these are all fine and dandy questions–the trick to making it work against selling your house is the annoyance factor. The realtor should shadow the visitors wherever they go, even after they’ve said they’re just looking and getting ideas.
Those are my top 10 worst Open House offenses. Any of you seen others I’ve missed?