How often do you shut down your computer?

My desktop computer always stays unless I am going to be away from home for more than 24 hours. I almost ALWAYS have something uploading/downloading, which is the main justification for that…and I often have about 15 windows open when I’m working on a cartography project, and it would be a nusiance to have to set them up time after time just to save 25 cents on my electric bill.

My laptop is always off unless I’m actively using it. The damn thing likes to overheat.

Since I’m currently living at my parents place, whenever I’m not using it. When I’m in the dorms, every week or so. I download a lot and I use it as my alarm clock so I need it on overnight.

When I’m done using it. I keep my laptop in my computer bag, and I’m not going to leave it on and drain the battery.

I turn it off at night unless I’m downloading, and during the day when I’m away at work. I don’t sit and wait for it to power up, so there is no waiting, really. Hit the button <or in my current case, touch the wires together, hehe> and go do whatever else I’m doing. I’ve never liked sleep mode, and never believed I’m wearing out any circuits prematurely by turning the thing off.

My computer gets restarted fairly frequently due to updates. I only shut it down if I’m going out of town for more than a weekend. This applies to both my home and work computers. On any normal day, I simply lock my work computer (Windows XP), make it sleep (home desktop with Vista) or have it hibernate (home laptop with Windows 7).

The macbook pro (snow leopard osx 10.6) stays on always… shutdown and restart only happens when installing new programs…, although closing the lid is kinda like standby… software updates happen at scheduled intervals automatically.

Eek, so the consensus is that it is better to leave a computer on? Am I damaging mine by switching it off every night? I bought it used - it might be approx five years old but I am not sure.

Totally off 12 hours a day through the week, on all weekend when I’m home.
I don’t like the idea of the fan running and sucking in cat hair and dust when not necessary.

Same here, if i block the light with a book or something then its the very low humming sound that keeps me awake.