How old to start learning guitar?

My nephew just turned five, and his uncle is a little slow with the birthday shopping. I am thinking about buying this guitar for the tyke, but I cant find any good info on what age range it’s for. I thought about buying this, (he loved the Wiggles when he was a toddler, but I’m waiting to hear from my sis about his current tastes) but he seems he would outgrow it pretty quickly if hasn’t already.

Anyone with experience in this area? Should I wait a couple more years? I remember taking cello lessons around 7 or so in the 2nd grade. Is that the right age?

I am asking his mom for feedback too. She will most likely have the final word. Or is there a better way to kickstart an interest in music?

Any tips are much appreciated.

The Wiggles thing is a kiddie toy rather than an instrument, and I agree it has a limited span of appeal. But I guess it’s possible it could get the ball rolling, setting the stage for getting a “real guitar” in a year or two.

I don’t think age 5 is necessarily too young to introduce a child to an intrument, but I imagine it varies with the particular child. On average, it may be too young.

Another option to consider is a baritone ukelele or tenor guitar, in either case tuned like the 4 treble strings of a guitar. Anything learned on those would later transfer to a 6-string guitar. Starting with a 4-string instrument would ease out the learning curve a bit, and the uke in particular should be available in a manageable size for a little one.

I’ve taught over 70 guitar students. The youngest I’ve taught is a 7 year old, however I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to begin someone on the guitar earlier. Of course expectations should be fairly low, the mechanics of the hand are complicated for any age and 5 year olds are still developing their hand strength. It might be cool to get the instrument and hold off on formal lessons for a while…or get lessons but focus more on fun stuff. Ear games and so forth, kind of like a suzuki method for guitar. Essentially the chilld needs to have a positive experience and not become frustrated by his limited physical ability.

Also many kids that age take beginning orff, or yamaha lessons on keyboard in groups. These can be quite fun, and the keyboard is much easier for them to handle at this age. Kids music programs should be available through a music store or contact a local university or college for more info.