How strictly do you follow packaging warnings or instructions?

Personally, I view most over the counter drug dosage charts and warnings as “guidelines.”

For example, with Dayquil or similar medicine, I assume that I can safely go two or three times over what they’re telling me to take without any problems. They’re not really telling me how much I should take, they’re telling me the bare minimum I should take just in case someone does get sick and sues the crap out of them.

I also very rarely read the instructions that come with my electronics as I prefer to figure out how everything works on my own. Sometimes I’ll refer to a guide if there’s something specific I’m curious about, but otherwise it sits unopened.

Anyone else as laissez faire about this stuff as me?

I am not a doctor, but this type of thinking can kill you, especially if the drug in question is acetaminophen, which is in Dayquil.

I would think this is why guidlines are made low, so when people do that, they aren’t as effected.

When I get an OTC, I will look on the Internet to see recommend doses.

I pay for my meds and it hacks me off when I took a prescription for ibuprofen from a dentist and was told by the CVS pharmacy it’s not the same thing as taking 4 200mg pills of OTC ibuprofen. So I went to Walgreens and asked their pharmacist and he said “Of course it is, save yourself some money.”

When you get conflicting opinions like this it makes you realize you need to stay informed for you own sake, 'cause no one will do it for you

Sure, if you’re a dummy about it, which I’m not. I’m someone who’s aware of what various drugs (including acetaminophen) can and will do to your body so I don’t abuse them. I just mean that if it says my dose is “1 TBSP,” I’m not giong get out the little measuring cup to make it exact. I’m going to swig it from the bottle until it feels like enough, and not stress it that much. I’m not talking about guzzling Dayquil all day, every day, until my liver is destroyed.

The dosages are to to try and protect the dumb people from themselves, and to protect the pharma companies from lawsuits.

McDonald’s coffee is hot. I don’t need something printed on the outside of the cup to tell me so, and I know that if I dump it on top of my head, I might have to go to the hospital.

I follow them pretty well, which is getting harder as my eyesight is failing.

Why must packaging instruction be printed in 10^-50 point font?

I am pretty anal about following dosage instructions. For electronics, I’ll read far enough to know how to turn the thing on and dial in the initial settings, then just figure it out myself from there.

Laundering instructions I regard as the merest vague suggestions.

The only instructions I read are the ones that come with Ikea furniture.

Yeah, I pretty much assume that the dosage guidelines are written conservatively for more sensitive people and don’t much worry if I take more.

I guess there’s always the chance that for a particular drug in the future I WILL be one of the sensitive people. In that case, it’s been nice knowing you all.

Look where on the Internet?

I store my chewed gum in the foil wrapper it originally came in, just like the instructions say.

I’ll usually start with the recommended dose and if that doesn’t work take another half dose. I figure if it’s going to work why take more than I need especially with some of the more expensive/ small bottle ones. I will occasionally double up on ibuprofen but never more that one day.

I figure the dosages are designed around a 180 lb male since I weight 280 I’ll add 50% so it’s right for my weight. when I was 360 I’d double the dosages. As far as electronics go I get as far as I can without instructions once I’m stuck I’ll go back and read to see what I’m doing wrong.

I don’t bother reading instructions: NOBODY tells me what to do, dern it.

Just be aware that “The real problem with drugs like Tylenol is that the difference between a therapeutic (that is, medically effective) dose and a toxic one is surprisingly small. In adults the maximum safe dosage is four grams (eight 500-milligram tablets) over a 24-hour period. The toxic dose is a mere seven grams taken all at once. You can make the margin even thinner by drinking too much and eating too little.”

-The Perfect Master

For things like pepto-bismol or nyquil, I swig from the bottle.

And I never read instructions unless all else has failed. When I swapped my old flip phone (archaic, ya I know) for a Droid-X it was suggested that I take a class at Verizon. Meh. I played with it, and in a month or two I figgered it all out.

I am not careful with ibuprofen. I take double doses and I don’t watch the time between them. Otherwise I’m doubled over with cramps. It’s only one day a month, so I figure it’s OK. If I die of a bleeding ulcer, I’ll know I was wrong.

I’m more careful with other OTC meds and very by-the-book if it’s a prescription.

That’s kind of a wide spread, really…8 tablets over 24 hours, or 14 all at once?

What if I take 14 over 24 hours? Or 12 all at once, and the 6 the next morning?

Wow. When it comes to drugs, I assume there is a safety margin built in, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone beyond the recommended dose.

I’m quite careful with medicine package instructions; I AM one of those sensitive people - medicine affects me strongly, so I don’t fool around with it.

I think you’re playing fast and loose with potentially dangerous drugs, too, Bob Ducca. Just because you can get the drugs over the counter doesn’t mean that you can’t hurt yourself with them.

I’ve always figured the recommended adult dosage has to be safe for a 90 pound woman with a decent lawyerly safety margin