How the hell did Al Sharpton becomne the spokesman for the Negro in the US, usurping Jesse Jackson

They should make a rule that you need 100 posts before starting a pit thread, or something along those lines. Then again, I would just ban a dickbag who starts this kind of thread. Hello? Does the guy have declare himself a troll?

The OP didn’t start this in the Pit. It was moved here.

I thought it was Oprah.

I think it’s the same loser who keeps getting disappeared every couple of days.

Well, the posting limit wouldn’t work but the just banning the dickbag (your brother in arms, no doubt) would suffice. :smiley:

How the hell did Donald Trump becomne the spokesman for the Honkie in the US, usurping Cliven Bundy

Does this deserve its own thread? I can’t start it, I’ve used up my monthly quota of satirical OP’s. (And it’s only the 6th of the month. :smack: )

But help me work on the title anyway. Rush Limbaugh? Cliven Bundy? Alex Jones? George Zimmerman? Would Clarence Thomas make it funnier? Help, please!

Oprah is the president of women.

I recall that the late, lamented Harlan Ellison in one of his “Glass Teat” columns referred to the late, unlamented Flip Wilson as a “Negro comedian”, implying by his use of the term that Wilson was defanged and white-acceptable.

By that usage and the singular article “The”, I would say that the person most suited currently for the title of “The Negro” would be Ben Carson, and I doubt that Al Sharpton is his spokesman.

As per The Onion’s “Our Dumb Century” book, Oprah is president-for-life of the nation of Ugogirl. :smiley:

I think the specific title is Benevolent-Gyno-Dictator-For-Life. I found it hilarious back when people were hopefully speculating that she’d run for president in 2020 because there is no way she would want to make such a downward move in authority and popularity If Oprah wanted to start a war in some developing nation she could raise a massive legion of volunteers with a snap of her fingers, but she’s smart enough to know what a terrible idea that would be.


If this is true, and I highly doubt it, will you be showing him this one as well?

Don’t put no limits on Queen B.

Wow, you got everything about my post absolutely wrong. Huzzah to you. I could give a damn about his opinion of the book, I was pointing out the fact that he LIED about Lewisohn being the authority on the gear (instruments) the Beatles played and linked to the person Andy Babiuk who actually did that. Wordman LIED and gave credit to someone who didn’t deserve it.

Don’t give a shit about that-Just tell us more about “The Negro”.

Just to be informative Jesse Jackson has a rather rough form of cancer and pretty much had to retire for health reasons from public life

And there were a couple of slight personal scandals also …

Uh…Negro? I’m guessing that’s euphemism for another, more offensive word for Black people. You know damn well what word I mean, BTW.

As to your question: I guess it’s because Sharpton has a way with the media. He knows how to get - and hold - your attention. He isn’t afraid to tick people off or go to jail for his beliefs. In other words…pretty much the same reason why Trump got to be so popular.

Good! The more people share info about how much everyone hates his anti-Semitic ass, it might motivate him to kill himself and raise the collective decency of the world by a bit. I appreciate you doing your part. :slight_smile:
PS: The fact that the OP is an obvious troll pretending to be a racist douche doesn’t change the fact that Al Sharpton is an infected pimple on the asshole of humanity.

We needed a counter to Donald Trump, so we got his black double:

a New York city conman with ridiculous hair, who specializes in racial grievance, who’s been under investigation by the FBI, who lies frequently and shamelessly, who makes frequent appearances on a politically biased cable news network.

The only thing we Negroes didn’t do was vote Sharpton in as President. We knew better.

“I describe Donald Trump as Don King, but with worse hair, and a broken moral compass.”

:confused: “Anti-Semitic”? Are you maybe mixing up Sharpton with Louis Farrakhan? Other than his confrontation with local Hasidic communities after the 1991 Crown Heights riot, which was sparked by a Jewish driver accidentally hitting two black children and then being driven away in a private ambulance while one of the child victims lay pinned beneath his car, I don’t know of any specific associations of Sharpton with anti-Semitism.