I was going to put this in IMHO, as it’s more than JUST politics and elections, but the more I thought about it, the more it felt Rant-y, and knew it would likely produce the same sort of emotional disgust in others as it does for myself, so I’ll save the mods the effort of eventually moving it to the Pit.
So, I was reading recent Main-stream news, as well as several threads here, and got just unspeakably frustrated by a conflict between my ideals. I mean, I -want- to know when Biden screws up, when he makes gaffs, or when anti-Trump efforts fail, because it’s important. And it’s important that those things be reported with as much honesty, and with as little spin as possible.
But when I’m talking with people who follow conservative media, every single problem, error, and critical lawsuit on their side is buried on the equivalent of page 5, and even then spun out of all resemblance to the truth if it’s reported at all.
Similarly, in terms of intellectual honesty, if I have to argue with someone in the RWNJ infosphere, if they bring up a factually correct problem, or address an issue that Democrats on a whole don’t handle well, I agree with the problem, even if I almost always vehemently disagree with the solution. But that always somehow translates to them thinking they’ve “won” or that their solution is superior just because they’ve identified an actual problem!
Now of COURSE this isn’t limited to just politics. It seems intrinsic to human nature, see our recent threads about Flat Earthers, Ancient Aliens, or other conspiracy theory. Such adherents don’t feel responsible to accept rational, fair, and even handed evaluations of facts or observable reality, because it doesn’t fit with the POV they have chosen to argue from.
Now I refuse to abandon my respect for the rational and observation based efforts to deal with the world around me, but dammit, more often than not, I’m willing to to throw out the even handed and polite elements. Or in the vernacular:
Fuck them.
Okay, yeah, good I put this in the PIT rather than IMHO or MPSIMS.
Feel free to share your feelings, including your conflicts between the poles of propaganda and populist manipulation, or just your techniques for dealing with things when you feel you’re the only adult in the room.