How to automatically sort my MP3s into folders in Windows XP?

I have about 5000 MP3s on a Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra. I copied them to one folder on my harddrive and noticed that several hundred of them didn’t make it because they had the same title as another file. For example, Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen overwrote Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. Is there a way to have Windows create and name folders as they are copied from my MP3 player? I know that Windows Media Player creates and names folders when ripping a new CD.

How can they exist on your player as files with the same name…? But, I suppose you want to rename the files according to their metadata. For that you can install []foobar2000, add one batch of files to its playlist, right-click the playlist, go to “masstagger”, and then “move, rename, or copy files”. This should be sufficient for your collection.

Download iTunes and use that to import them. It will arrange everything into a Artist, Album folder hierarchy.


I think the player uses song title, album title, artist, etc. to differentiate between files.

I’m afaid iTunes didn’t work. I didn’t see how I could pull my files from my player.

I thought from the OP that the files were already on your computer. You point itunes to the location of the folder that you have all you songs.

I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. Most of the mp3s are on my computer minus a few hundred. If I organized the files already on my computer I will still be missing hundreds of files and then I’ll have to look at all them to find out which ones I’m missing. That will be too tedious. I was hoping to delete what’s on my computer now and start over. iTunes doesn’t “see” my mp3 player and I can’t figure out how bring them to iTunes.
I thought about using Windows Media Player to do it, but it says my mp3 player firmware isn’t supported by WMP v.11.

I have the same problem on my Zen. On my computer my songs are named Band - Song.mp3 and loaded them into my mp3 player that way. I think what happens is the mp3 player doesn’t store the song by name but something else, perhaps to save space. Then when I pull songs off of the mp3 player onto my computer they get renamed as Song.mp3 pulling the file name from the name of the song from the tag. Very annoying. They should give you options to name files from the various elements of the tag like song, band, album, year or whatever.

I have about 120 duplicates myself. All because of some stupid virus 10 months ago. I’ll get around to it someday. Very annoying.

Notmad Explorer will let you copy to the PC and create a folder structure for the files based on whatever tag info you want to use. Highly recommended.

Tag and Rename can be used to automatically name the files base in the tags.

Ipods and apparently the zen rename files for no real reason that I can determine beside some lame attempt to say that the devices cannot be used to share music because you cannot easily get the files off of the device.