How to edit sig?

Having trouble figuring this out. The other fields in my profile have a little pencil next to them but this one doesn’t.

If it’s some kind of “only paid members can have a sig, which we code as guests can’t edit a sig but if they already have one it doesn’t get erased” issue, can a mod delete it for me? Thanks!

ETA: I notice this post doesn’t have a sig. I only recently noticed it showing up again. I think what is happening is that when I post from tapatalk, it posts with the sig, but if I post from a browser it doesn’t. In any case, I can’t figure out how to get rid of it on my profile.

Easiest way is to click on “Quick Links” up top, next to “Log Out.” In the drop down, one of the options is for editing your signature. Once you’ve saved a new signature, the option to include it with each post you make shows up.

Thanks, that seems to have worked.