How to explain this message from Gmail

I cannot send email from my (longstanding) Gmail account. I get this message instead.

“In an effort to fight spam and prevent abuse, Google will temporarily disable your account if you send messages to more than 500 recipients or if you send a large number of undeliverable messages. If you use a POP or IMAP client (for example: Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail), you may only send a message to 100 people at a time. Your account should be re-enabled within 24 hours.”

Should I assume that some hackeroid entity has taken over my account, or that Gmail is being an ass-pain for another reason? Either way, I’m considering disabling the account, as this is the second annoyance in several days (earlier an (incorrect) name got appended onto my sender/receiver address (i.e., when it used to be just and Google/Gmail will not let me delete the pseudoname).

By the way, does anyone know how to contact the Gmail people to get a problem fixed? (they go out of their way to avoid giving you a working phone# or email address so as not to have to interact with the public)

Wait… huh? Appended how? And they won’t let you delete it from where?

Do you mean your address used to be and now it’s “” is just the domain.

I’m not even sure what that means, actually… it would mean your email address got changed to a different email address.

On review, I think you may be talking about the sender/display name. Gmail defaults to using your full name, which it doesn’t allow you change (a fact I wasn’t aware of until now), but you can change the name used in outgoing emails. It’s under Settings > Accounts and Import > Send Mail As > “Edit Info.” Doesn’t help much if you can’t get into the account, of course.

It sure sounds like your account password was compromised, if someone was (presumably) able to change that setting and send mass emails from your account.

My e-mail address was always just (actually it was something fairly close to that). There’s now an incorrect name stuck on the front of that and it can’t be changed; even following the recommended procedure for changing it doesn’t work.

I’ve seen online complaints about those problems, but never a satisfactory solution.

Other email services let you just use an email address like and don’t make you turn it into Vinyl

I am on the verge of deleting the freaking gmail account, once I copy the relatively few emails that must be saved for posterity.

Your email address was just a domain? Are you sure? That sounds like something my mother would say when I try to help her fix her computer.

Googling rather strongly suggests that a valid email address must include one (and only one) ‘@’ symbol, preceded by the addressee’s name and followed by the domain name.

Meant to say it was

I would prefer it not appear as Pseudojackmannii but don’t have any choice in the matter (except to delete the account).

Ha, that’s what Google wants you to think! :smack:

Hope everyone is completely confused by now.

Yes. Yes we are.

In any case it seems that somehow an e-mail blast seems to have been sent from your account. If you did not do it (for example I did when I tried to let everyone in my wife’s address book all at once know that she had opened an email that had gotten into her address book and was sending itself to everyone in it and do not open an email from her with a particular header and got that very message), then something did. Change your password ASAP.

and enable 2 step verification.

As Clara Peller used to say, “There’s nobody back there”. Actually, there are a lot of them back there, but they have utterly no interest in talking to the rest of us.

Back in the day, you could email them to report things like “Site so-and-so is rigging your search results” and you’d get an email answer from a real human saying something like “Thanks for the report. We’ve adjusted our algorithm and you should see results within 72 hours”.

For the past few years, it has only been horror stories - people using Google Voice who get stuck in port purgatory, people who bought Nexus devices directly from Google who had no way to make a warranty claim, and so on.

Unless you are doing something of interest to them, you don’t hear from them.

And to think I was getting all excited at the idea of someday getting a robogooglemobile. Now I’m not so sure.

I don’t understand the hate for Google. They may be gathering all sorts of personal data about me, getting rich in the process, but in the long run I think I’m benefiting more than they are. I use Google Maps, Google Earth, Waze (now Google, right?), their search engine, etc. A couple years ago I stumbled out of The Rex Theater on Pittsburgh’s South Side and realized I didn’t know where my car was parked. My Android phone via Google told me and steered me to it.

Unless they’re lubing their gears with puppy blood, I gotta say I like Google.

I’m completely confused but let me try to understand. Let’s pretend the email address is I think you’re saying that when you type in the name Richard Roe, the mail is sent to Does that describe what’s happening?

If so, it sounds like Gmail has associated “Richard Roe” as a nickname for “”. You can change or delete the nickname following the instructions here. But I don’t think the nickname appears when you send mail, so it’s not really a problem.

My guess was (and still is) that he’s talking about the sender name that is attached to his outgoing emails, e.g. the “Vinyl Turnip” in

From: Vinyl Turnip <>
Which (if this is the case) can be changed in the mail settings as I described above. It does appear that they require some kind of sender name (can’t just change it to a blank), but he could change it to the email address itself, so outgoing emails would look like:

From: <>

This guy did a YouTube video showing where to change the setting.
But it’s still unclear, so Jackmannii, when you say it “appears as Pseudojackmannii,” where exactly are you seeing that?

Me too. And frankly, I’m willing to sacrifice a few puppies if it means they implement even more useful shit in Google Now (like the aforementioned parking spot reminder.)