How to find my friend in jail?

I had a buddy in Air Force boot camp who I haven’t talked to in a long-ass time. Last I heard from him, he was “going to jail, soon” because he had “done something real bad”. I didn’t get any details, and I assumed he meant “I have a trial coming soon, and I don’t have much of a case”, but ever since then his number is disabled so I think he was speaking literally. :smack:

Well, I really want to find a way to get back in touch with this guy. I think he’d be somewhere in Iowa or near Corpus Christi, Texas. Anyone know how I can go about finding out which jail he’s in and how to contact him?

You could always try committing a crime in Iowa or near Corpus Christi and hoping you get slotted into the right facility?

You could try Prison Search?



These will find those in the prison system. If the guy’s really in jail, he’ll be a lot harder to find.

This link from the site Kimstu linked seems to be a pretty complete index of search engines.

Do those sites show records of people who were in jail but have been released?

Generally not. The ones that I checked didn’t anyway.

Here is a good guide to finding criminal records and inmate information:

No luck with any of the tools provided so far.

ETA: This was before Gfactor’s post. I’ll let you all know how it works. Thanks for everything so far, guys!

You can search for Iowa criminal case filings here:

A lot of the department of corrections websites (those for prison inmates, as opposed to jail inmates) do have information on discharged prisoners.

*E.g., *