It fell over and a couple chunks broke off the top, chimney part. Is it fixable, and if so, what would be the best way to reattach the pieces- mortar? Some type of heat-resistant epoxy?
Drill holes in both pieces, use thin set mortar to cement short pieces of wire into the holes across the break.
Thanks for the reply. Don’t know if I want to drill holes and mess with wire though, the broken-off part is relatively small and won’t be subject to any weight stress, since it’s the top of the chimney area. Maybe I’ll just try the thin-set mortar by itself.
You might want to try some of that DIY muffler repair goop- it can take the heat, and sets pretty hard (and you don’t have to buy a 5 lb bag of it).
At the top of the chimney, how hot is the clay going to be anyhow? I think it would be relatively cool.
These articles are about how to build, from scratch and easily obtainable materials a full clay oven. I cant vouch for any of the instructions but they may help give you an idea how to proceed. Also, the material list is probably a good start for what to use.
Both got decent reviews from other readers. Hope this helps.
I’ve been researching fireplace construction lately and “fire clay”, aka: “refractory mortar” is used between firebricks in the firebox of a fireplace. Should be able to get some from your local brick place.