Our house has an outdoor stairway leading to a basement door. The bottom of the stairway is 4 or so inches below the door’s bottom, and has a drain in it.
Unfortunately, in heavy rain the drain has trouble keeping up with the rainfall - even if we’re careful to remove leaf litter from it. We’ve put mesh over it but that just keeps out the bigger leaves.
Tonight, as has happened several times lately, it’s draining slowly enough that the water is well above the bottom of the door - and leaking into the basement.
I don’t even know whom to call, or what search terms to use. Someone I know spent a small fortune having a larger drain put in, but I don’t know whether the drain goes into the sewer, or into the sump (more on that below); anyone know what these typically do?
Sump: Pumps out to a pipe that dumps just outside the house, and goes into a pile that goes down through a hole in the brick patio. It seems to drain (though where???) but in an especially heavy rain the sump can pump faster than the drain pipe handles it.
Bear in mind (hah, typed “beer” first), we were pretty badly burned by basement drainage “experts” 12 years ago when 4 different people presented 4 different options to solve an apparent wet-basement issue we had. All swore their solution would work and the others were idiots. All were WRONG (the problem turned out to be leakage from a neighbor’s air-conditioning unit).
So - where do I go? What do I look for?