how to password protect a folder ?

i run Win XP. i used to put files that i dont want anybody to be able to open into ( documents and settings > self ) on the C drive. then i have a password protected account and only i can go in there.

the problem is, my C drive partition is only 30 gigs ( out of 300 gigs total disk space ) and now C drive is almost full.

i searched windows help and it said i could create zipped folders that can be password protected. it said i could do new > create zipped folder. but when i do new > there is no such option, only a create new folder option.

so how can i do it ?

also i am currently considering if i should get a 10Krpm SATA hard drive for my system and program files (to boost performance) that is C drive. this drive would also be very small ( they’re expensive big ) and so i wouldn’t be able to use C for storage that way too.

To password protect a zipped folder do this:

1.Open the compressed folder.
2.On the File menu, click Add a Password.
3.In the Password box, type a password.
4.In the Confirm Password box, type the password again.

Is there a way to do the same thing in Windows 2000 using the Fat32 system?

Not without WinZip or something similar. There’s no built in compressed folder system in Win2k, unlike Me and XP.

look guys you missed the point. i CAN’T create a zipped folder :slight_smile: before i can password protect it i have to create it doh :slight_smile:


Win2K and winNT both provide both drive-level and folder-level compression and encryption. They just require that the drive be formatted with NTFS to do so. It’s Fat32 that lacks that capability.

How to create a compressed/zipped folder:

  1. Select the files you want to compress
  2. Right click on it and select the Send To option.Choose Compressed Folder.

Is there no way to password-protect a folder without creating a zipped one?


That depends.

Which of the 7 basic versions of Windows are you using? (Win95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP pro or XP home.) FYI, there are about another dozen present and recent-past versions for commerical use, each with its own idiosyncracies.

Which file system are you using on the hard drive (FAT, FAT32, HPFS, or NTFS v1 or NTFS v2)?

There are also ways to encrypt a file or folder without use of a password such that someone who can log onto the machine using the correct userid and logon password will have access to the files, but anyone else logging on to the machine under another userid, or anyone unable to log on at all, will only see gibberish in the file/folder. There isn’t an explicit password attached to the folder or file itself, but the result is at least equivalent, if not better.

But without knowing what your operating environment is, there’s no single yes or no answer to your question.

ok maleinblack that worked, only problem is it asks for password AFTER it opens the folder. so the “enemy” cannot open the files but can view what files there are in folder. and thats bs.

also the compression is bullshit. a 105 meg video compressed to 102 meg zip, wow, how freaking useful. i dont understand why people even zip anything any more, how cheap is that.

those idiots at microsoft should have added a feature to password protect folders without compression.

does such feature exist in Windows Server 2003 ?

Many formats, such as MPEG, are already compressed. Further compression achives little.

vasyachkin just like Cugel said most video and audio formats are already pretty compressed.Compressing text files and picture files would give you more compression.

I know that when you zip ur a folder and password protect it anyone can view the contents but cant access it.To work around it I suggest you zip up the folder twice.This way,when someone clicks on the first folder they can only see the second folder inside but cant access its contents without the password.

There’s a program I used called Encryption for the Masses, E4M. It creates a secure volume file on your hard disk, and you mount that volume with the E4M program, supplying your password, and then it becomes a new virtual drive. Unmount it, and no one can access your files at all, not even see their names. The problem for you is that the limit is 2 GB per volume.

They did… or rather, they built a permission based security model into the NTFS filesystem; it’s been a part of the NT series of Windows since NTFS was introduced about ten years ago. As long as your D partition (or whatever letter your 270 GB partition was assigned) is formatted NTFS, you can allow or deny permissions from any user or group on any folder or file. That’s how your folders in C:\Documents and Settings\ keep other people out.

KeithT, all my drives are NTFS. so how do i deny permission to other folders ?