I took it a few weeks ago.
I just bought one of the books (Peterson’s, because it had a lot of practice tests in the book. promised more on the CD but the CD didn’t work) and studied that. I really needed help with the math, I was never good at algebra when I was taking it, and it’s been 6 years since I took any kind of algebra or geometry course.
I didn’t study very much. I got a pretty decent score, but I know I can do better if I actually try to study so I’m going to take it again next month.
Studying for the verbal is hard - vocab cards might be the best way to go. You have to be able to recognize words out of context and pick its antonym out of a list of 5 words for a lot of the questions. The other types of questions are “fill in the blank” sentence completions where you get a choice of words and reading comprehension questions. The passages on my test were very dry and hard for me at least to concentrate on. On other standardized tests, my scores for reading/english have always been high, but on this I scored no better than I did on the math. I posted a thread recently asking for GRE advice and someone told me to start reading New York Times and other sorts of publications like that to expand my vocabulary - and whenever I have read stuff like that, almost always I’ll come across a word I’ve seen on GRE word lists. I always thought I had a good vocabulary because I can read and comprehend, but really knowing what words mean with absolutely no context is much more difficult.
Depending on how good you are at high school math, studying for this is much easier. The book I bought had a huge math review going over all the concepts again and had tons of practice problems. If you’re rusty, make sure you practice. The problems are more complex than the math courses in high school made us do, and people tend to score better on this section than the verbal - so get your points here.
The writing section for me was really easy, I got my scores the other day and was very pleased. For the longer essay you get a choice of 2 topics (statements you argue for or against) and one was something I had an opinion about and was able to flesh out a long essay. Normally when I write, I use a more unconventional style unless I’m writing a technical paper, but for this I remembered to clearly flesh out my topic statement at the beginning and have a good conclusion. I even used up almost all of the 45 minutes. The other essay you can’t choose the topic. I didn’t think I did as well on that one because I didn’t have a lot to say, but like I said, I still ended up getting a really good score. Just organize your essays in a clear way and use decent vocabulary.
If you can make yourself study, I wouldn’t spend the money on a GRE course. I’ve heard they are extremely expensive. The books are about $30 a pop, get a couple and work through them on a regular basis.
So in short, get some books. I think Kaplan sells vocab cards too, or you can make your own. My book had a big word list w/example sentences in the back. Study that vocab!!! Read!!! Take all the practice tests you can get your hands on. I was NOT surprised by any question I came across because the book I used gave me the exact same question formats. Do a rigorous math review - easier to get points there if you’re at all decent at math. Don’t freak about the writing so much - it’s the first section always and you’ll get it out of the way. Format your essays in the way you’ve learned in every writing class when you were young - thesis statement early, new paragraphs when you change subjects, good conclusion. Watch your time and review what you write, make sure it makes sense and flows.
Oh, and shitty thing here - you’ll probably get an extra ungraded section on the GRE. They planned to revamp the test recently but didn’t, and are testing new questions now. Unless you get a writing section that’s not the very first thing (I’ve read in a few places that writing is ALWAYS first and the other sections are random), you won’t know what section is ungraded. I had to complete 2 math sections. My test ended up being: writing, math, verbal, math. The ungraded section can appear anytime so you cannot even guess if you get an ungraded verbal or math.