Back in September of 1996, Cecil answered one of the Teeming Millions who wanted to know how to guarantee success in stopping the calls of telemarketers. Not even Cecil’s ponderous brain could have foreseen almost 5 years ago that Governor George Pataki of New York, in an almost unprecendented show of civic empathy, signed into law the “Do Not Call Telemarketing Registery.”
As of April 1 2001 New Yorkers (and New Yorkers only, alas) may call or email the registery and get their numbers placed on a no-call list. Any telemarketer who calls a number on the list is subject to a $2000 fine. Unfortunately, charitable schnorrers are exempt, so if those self-absorbed swine at the Homeless Aid Foundation want to call there’s no stopping them. But the long-distance and credit-card factions may be shut down for good. And not a minute too soon!
The website for the registry is:
From a loyal teeming million,