For the past week or so, I have had a nasty stomach bug. I haven’t actually thrown up, but I’ve been tired, nauseous, had gas, stomach pain, a fever, etc.
I’m finally feeling better and relatively normal, except for the past two mornings around 5 AM I’ve woken up with really, really bad heartburn/acid reflux, bad enough to prevent me from sleeping or even staying in any one position comfortably.
Normally, I almost never get heartburn in any situation, and I wake up around 7 or 8. I’m 27 years old with no other health conditions, in good shape, etc.
Both days, I ate a small breakfast of eggs and toast at 5 AM, and it quickly went away and I was able to go back to sleep. I didn’t eat anything unusual the night before.
I’d prefer not to have to deal with this tomorrow, I have a busy week at work and I don’t need to be missing sleep. I assume my stomach is still irritated in some manner from whatever illness I got, and that this will go away with time, but in the meantime, is there any OTC medication I can buy that will reduce these symptoms enough for me to get a good night of uninterrupted sleep?
I will see a doctor about it if it doesn’t go away in a few more days, but at the moment I don’t think it’s warranted.
Baking soda has always worked for me when I need quick temporary relief from acid reflux, A teaspoon of baking soda in a shot of warm water, wait 5 minutes and repeat if necessary (rarely need to repeat).
If you aren’t the type to get too groggy, take a Unisom (Doxylamine) before bed. Seriously. It was recommended for me, for morning sickness/reflux, and really worked…but it made me want to go back to sleep by 11 AM. YMMV
Also keeping a juice box and saltines or Ritz crackers on the nightstand, for waking up early with heartburn, can help quickly.
If eating works, keep Saltines or oyster crackers on hand to eat when you wake up. They have baking soda in them to soak
Up the acid and fill your tummy a bit.
Nexium works better for me than anything else ever has, but it’s not a quick acting fix, it has to build up in your system for a few days before you start to get relief. But, for me at least, it’s pretty much “cured” me, as I haven’t gotten heartburn symptoms while taking it. My mom’s been using it for years (since back when it was prescription only) and her heartburn is a lot worse than mine, but it also helps her better than anything (she takes a higher dose than me, though).
For short term, ranitidine probably helped me the best, but sometimes even that didn’t work. Downing a handful of extra strength Tums was a last resort when that happened. Sometimes it helped, sometimes nothing did.