How to unpulish a homepage using Weebly, republish in WordPress.

I started using iPage for my web hosting.
I used Weebly to create my home page. I found a better home page theme on Word Press, but, when I try to save the new WP home page, nothing happens. I am stuck with the Weebly home page.
I’m guessing that I need to unpublish the Weebly site, and republish in WP.
Now, googling “how to unpublish in Weebly”, the sites say to click on the “Settings” button, and scroll down to the “Archive/Unpublish” button, click and everthing is unpublished. However, when I click on the “Settings” button, there is no “Archive/Unpublish” button.
Can anyone here help me to publish the WP home page instead of the Weebly one?


Got 'er done.
Please disregard previous post.

Harry, post the methodology that worked, for the benefit of others trying to do it in the future, please. (A suggestion, not a demand, of course.)

Actually, kind of simple.
Once the accursed Weebly was removed (actually, not removed, just renamed the “index.html” to “Oldindex.html” in File Manager) the existing WP file automatically published.
From what I read, Weebly does not match up with WP at all, and that was the cause of the grief.
Caveat: I had to do some juggling of the WP file to make it into a “Home” page, since the File Manager didn’t create a new ‘index.html’, and I can’t remember what exact steps I used, but, it was a semi-intuitive process, and was done on WP Dashboard, not in File Manager. I’ll elaborate and clarify once I go back into WP.

Here’s the two year old hail mary… Any chance anyone can update me on this process?

Having the exact same issue, been racking my brain all day and cannot seem to get it.


Well I’ll be damned. God speed to all those after me. God. Speed.

I leave you with this link who helped me resolve this. With added steps for iPage that correspond to the steps in the link.

  1. In regards to the first step listed on his site, you can access FTP through iPage. One was already setup there for me. Hover over, “Website”, then select “FTP”. Edit your Master FTP account.

2/3. From above, you should default to the root files. index.html will be down the list somewhere. I changed it to OLDindex.html. Try not to risk losing finals you may need.

  1. This, .htaccess editor can be found under the “Additional Tools” menu. At the bottom, there is an editor option. NOTE: there is also an option here to select the order of default homepages. I didn’t explore this further, but I believe a less manual workaround can be resolved through this.

  2. He says to delete everything between #start weebly and #end weebly. I since deleted my file, but mine was something like, “#activate weebly begin”. I deleted everything between those, it worked, then I cleaned it up.