How widespread in genital herpes in the U.S.?

Basically, like the title says. How widespread is genital herpes in the U.S.? I wasn’t sure how to Google this, which is why I turned to the Dope…

The Centers for Disease Control generally knows this stuff. This is from their factsheet on genital herpes:

Quite alarming. :eek:

Note that AFAIK, Genital Herpes and “cold sore” Herpes are caused by the same virus- just the outbreak area is different. Thus, in reality, almost every adult in the USA has been infected.

There are two closely related viruses - HSV types I and II. Historically, type I has been responsible for cold sores and type II has been responsible for genital herpes, but in recent years, it’s become more common to see them swapping places through oral sex.