How would you die?

would you die by being burned alive, or drown?

Drowning, it would be a lot less painful.

Wow! I will need to get back to you on that one because I know burning would be painful but I have been under water before thinking I was going to drown and I can’t think of anything more frightening.
The only “advantages” I could see to drowning would be that it would not be as painful as burning and would take less time.
Although drowning isn’t to be taken lightly because being under water is damn scary.

Burned alive from the inside, after my whole body collapses from the sheer amount of sexual pleasure of pleasing 1000 horny young babes.

c) None of the above.

Drowning, it would be a lot less painful.

remember a peice of advice my dad gave me:

If you give a amn a fire, he is warm for a day, but if you set a man on fire, he is warm for the rest of his life

Depends on the heat of the fire. If it’s hot enough, your nerve endings are destroyed very quickly and you feel no pain. Drowning, on the other hand, is very painful. I speak from experience, having almost drowned on at least four seperate occasions.

I’ll take the burning.

Yeah. I mean, if you throw me in a volcano, where I will go “phfft!” and be no more, I’ll take “burned alive”.

If you’re talking “Spanish Inquisition”, though, I’ll go for drowning, thanks.

okay, let me set some ground rules, the heat of a fire is equal to a wood fire, (not too hot, at leas in fire terms), and the way you are drowned is feet tied to a cement block and thrown off a bridge. hope that cleared up something

These are our only choices?

How about arsenic poisoning? Or being suffocated with a pillow?

Or how about being tied to a rocket and blasted into space? I think that’d be an exciting way to go.

Swimming lessons are effective, rather inexpensive, and can be taken at almost any age.

That’s a sucky question!!

:smack: :smack: Must wipe :smack: thoughts from head before bedtime… :smack:

I’ll take drowning, please!

Maybe in Massachussetts but the membership to the aquatic center in the town I live in is ridiculously high and I don’t have a car to drive to the nearest city to use their Y or equivalent thereof.

Besides, it’s been a decade or more since the last experience. Being careful is just as effective and even cheaper.

Well, I guess I’d still have to go for drowning. I’d just hold my breath and wait to pass out. After losing consciousness, my lungs would fill with water, and brain death would follow quickly. I might regain consciousness and experience a brief period of terror, but it would be over quickly enough. Burning in a conventional wood fire sounds more horrifying than just about anything I can imagine.

Might I also add this is one sick, morbid, utterly depressing thread, and I’m going to now go dip my brain in Happy Bleach to cleanse it of the memory of contemplating its own immolation.

I refuse to accept your ground rules. I will die on the up-stroke and get the down-stroke for free. :eek:

Drowning in a lake or river = Drowning

Drowning in the ocean = light me up, baby!

whichever is quickest. If I was burned to death in a giant explosion I could deal with it but if it’s slow, forgetabout it. Drowning it would be.

If I were burned alive in a nuclear explosion at ground zero so I’d be vaporized instantly, I’d choose that.