How would you feel about a boys only weekend trip?

By the way, can we also have a “No Chick-Flick” rule at FemmeDope, too? We’re Dopers, ladies - give me “Princess Bride,” or give me death! (Or maybe some “Matrix” movies - lots of tasty Keanu in those. :smiley: )

Shirley Ujest, count me in. Can we talk about glass and kitties (the furry kind) too?

Well, the boyfriend wouldn’t be interested in gambling but hook up a few x-boxes and he’d be up for it. I’d pack his bags, check he had cash and boot him out the door before he had finished his sentence. I love him but he doesn’t chill out with his friends enough.

Sorry I am late to this, but yes, glass and kitty talk ( and drinking) is aok by me!