Howard Hughes

I’m currently reading a biography about “The First American Billionaire”, Howard Hughes. So far there have been several incidents that the author talks about that make Howard seem like a psychopath.

He really seems to lack certain emotions. I think it’s strange.

Maybe I haven’t read as much as I need to to ask this, but was he a psycho? haha Okay, that sounded dramatic. What I really mean was early on in his career did people think he was crazy?

Does anyone have an opinion?

Early in his career people said he was a hot young bachelor, and the gals were all over him like white on rice. The “crazy old coot” thing didn’t come up till, I think, the 1950s or '60s.

But Eve, do YOU think he was a nut from the start? Have you read much about him?

I haven’t read enough about him to do any nut aspersion-casting. But I have read enough about H’wood in the late '20s through the '40s to know that he was not widely viewed as a nut at that time. He may very well have been a closet nut.

Actually, IIRC, there are a lot of people who think that numerous head injuries caused Hughes to go nuts but it took a while.

According to this Hughes also sufffered from neurosyphilis. This link was the first thing that came when googling on +Howard +Hughes “head injuries”.
