How's your handwriting?

The samples are up, btw:

If you want to send one in, the thread with instructions is here.

My handwriting is a mix of cursive and printing. Mostly cursive. It isn’t very easy to read, and I feel sorry for people that have to read a lot of it, because after I write for a long period of time, I tend to get even messier.

However, I like my handwriting a lot, and if i really try, I can make it readable.

I also must have a good pen to write. Papermate and Bic basic regular blue pens are my favorites. Black is okay, but nothing is worse than cheap black pens that are more gray than black.

My writing (mostly printing with some letters joined together) is reasonably legible when I take the time to make it so. However, if I’m just writing a note to myself it turns into hieroglyphics that very few other people can read. In fact, most people who’ve seen it have reacted with horror.

The legibility of my writing went downhill rapidly when I started university, from trying to keep up while taking notes. The main odd thing about it is that my post-university handwriting has arrived at the family standard. It’s virtually identical to my father’s, which is virtually identical to my grandmother’s, which, based on the one surviving sample we have, was virtually identical to my great-grandmother’s.

My handwriting was so unreadable, that in high school I gave up on it completely, and switched back to printing. It was painfully slow for a while, but now I can take notes in University as quickly if not faster printing that cursive writing.

I just sent in my handwriting sample…

wow. I can’t read the “i’m rushing to take down this note” part…or the ‘legible’ one, for that matter.

methinks it’s time to retrain myself.


My script handwriting (not print, but “cursive”) is remarkably similar to my mother’s, which is remarkably similar to her older sister’s, which was almost identical to my late grandmother’s. It’s most noticable in the way that we fashion capital L’s, which are a part of all of our names. It’s eerie, really.

Oh, to answer the OP, my writing - both script and print - is fairly neat and I enjoy handwriting letters and notes on a regular basis. If I can work out a way to do so, I’ll send a sample to OpalCat.

Oh, Helena, thank you for pointing the way to your handwriting font. I think I’ve actually seen it on a couple of font sites (I hope with your permission) and I love it. It’s like my own, but different enough to bring a new dimension to some of my projects. Would you be interested in having a Mac-compatible version? I converted it for my own use, and I could send you the converted version.

See it for yo’self!

my handwriting is readable and i don’t take it as a shame and chinese character is really hard to handle :slight_smile:

How pathetically embarrassing am I? This is my first post here!:o

Urm… I don’t think my handwriting is too bad on most days but can be pretty bad on some days. That is to say, I strive to achieve legible results with a minimum of fuss, but if it’s something of import or wotnot, I will shred, tear, scream and cry at the useless monstrosity I seem to end up with. It is very frustrating. I like nice handwriting. I like MY nice handwriting, but how often does something EVER go the way you want it to? Surely, NOT when I want it to !!

btw… how does one go about adding a sample photo of our efforts ? Thanks !!

My handwriting is pretty good but my fathers was fantastic.

It wasn’t so much handwriting that he did it was Olde English style (Gothic Black) the sort you see on illuminated manuscripts and newspaper headings…really beautiful stuff