Huckabee "misspoke"? Yeah, right!!

He’s either a deliberate liar, or stupider than a sack of hammers. Perfect Republican leadership material either way!

Not to the extent that most Americans could tell you what it means with any specificity, but they know it sounds black and African and violent.

Most Americans think those three terms are synonymous.

Yeah, I know, some of the more intolerant Christians try to use that one throwaway line from Leviticus to support their anti-gay fear. They are either hypocritical there or ignorant of their own theology. Just as someone who thinks that Christians who are supposed to follow the bulk of Leviticus are ignorant of the very fundamentals of Christian theology.

In the defense of Christian homophobes there are some arguably anti-homosexual verses in Paul’s writings. They can always fall back on that.

You are sadly misinformed.
But, regarding Huckabee, I kinda liked the guy; not that I would consider voting for him, but he seemed to have quite a bit of integrity. I don’t think he was intentionally lying (that would be stupid), I think he has honestly been under the impression that Obama spent his youth in Hawaii. Which is a pretty appalling misapprehension and shows that he really hasn’t been paying attention.

Did you mean Kenya instead of Hawaii?

I can’t see how he could have honestly thought that Obama grew up in Kenya.

So by his reasoning, should we also be suspicious of all those teabaggers dressed in 18th century revolutionary garb? I wouldn’t think they’d be overly fond of British imperialism either.

If you’re a history buff, yeah. But I doubt most Americans really know about, or for that matter, have even heard of it. Like most things conservatives claim liberals spend a lot of time obsessing on, it’s something that’s most often invoked as a boogeyman term, rather than, you know, actually discussed in depth as the complex matter that it is.

So why did he say that Obama spent his youth in Kenya?

Didn’t Obama’s paternal grandfather die before he was even born?

I think the logic is:
(1) If you’re a white 18th century American, then British imperialism is bad, and it is proper to rebel against it.
(2) If you’re a black 20th century African, then British imperialism is good, and it’s wrong to rebel against it.

You just need to see things in the right historical context.

Except that pesky one about not bearing false witness.

Indonesia was a Dutch, not British colony

That one has been replaced with The ends justify the means.

Oops, yes I mistyped. I think Huckabee really thought Obama grew up on Kenya. So he was not being maliciously deceitful, just stupidly and inexcusably ignorant.

Nah, all my African violents are purple.

There’s a special place in hell for puns like that. (And I don’t even believe in hell. :mad:)

Only amongst Oak Ridge Boys fans.

I consider myself a relatively well informed person. Here’s what I know about the Mau Mau’s off the top of my head: that was the name of one of the black gangs in the movie, The Wanderers.

I’m not sure how that might have formed Obama’s worldview, though.

He also explicitly said that not “jot or tittle” of the law will pass away until heaven and earth pass.

I hate you.

shakes fist