Huckabee Pardoned Suspected Seattle Shooter.

The NYT is quoting a detective, not offering its own opinion.

Are you going to go after the right wing media outlets that are screaming for Huckabee’s blood, by the way?

Beats me, but I guess he at least knew that cops regularly hung out at that coffee place. It’s no wonder the cops suspected him given that he’d been in court the previous week posting bail for rape charges, and had gone crazy and assaulted a police officer over the summer.

Shouldn’t one say the same thing, therefore, about Sarah Palin? You know, statements like “Don’t think that Palin would hesitate for a moment to stick the knife in Huckabee’s back and give it a good twist.”?

It’ll just be a lot easier for all concerned if Huckabee takes the bullet. The alternative is some incredibly expensive legal investigations to apportion guilt for turning Clemmons loose. I believe that’s a non-starter.

While Huckabee surely isn’t the only person with responsibility for his release, it seems obvious that had Huckabee not commuted the sentence, this killer would have been in jail likely to this day because he would not have been eligible for parole.

Vitter and Ensign have been purged? I had no idea.


Wow, Detective Ed Troyer of the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office works for the NYT now?

Also, I could not find the part where anyone said “Huckabee pardoned the shooter” over and over.

And who ever said in your quote that the parole board was not at fault? They just said that Huckabee is at the top of the list. I repeat, list. As in list of people. Which he is, since he started the ball rolling towards the pardon by granting clemency. Get real.

So, if the NYT printed something like "Mr. John Crackpot was heard to mutter “Obama was born in Kenya, I’m sure of it” , would you immediately crow:

The NYT has printed that Obama was born in Kenya!!!OMG!!

Please. It doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. FTR Ensign now is arguing that he shouldn’t be purged because it would hurt the NV GOP’s chances of beating Reid. :rolleyes:

So, they’re in the process of being forced out by their party? Last I heard Vitter is facing down a porn star, and not in the way he’s used to pay for.


Even before this ever happened, Huckabee was a longshot for 2012 since he and Palin would both be competing for the religious right wing vote in the primaries. Palin would have all the advantages of her celebrity in triumphing over Huckabee. The only real question was would they split the right and allow a centerist like Romney to gain momentum and get the nomination. Now, that is settled.

It will be Sarah versus the Mormon and my money is on the tight skirt.

My money is still on Palin getting less than 5% of the vote in New Hampshire.

They can’t afford to purge Vitter. He’s the only scandalous heterosexual they have left.

We’re talking about Sarah Palin here. She has no qualms about telling bald faced lies to further her agenda (I told the Congress, thanks but no thanks), she had no qualms about her rallies turning into frenzied lynch mobs, now we expect her to play nice and not use something that has a grain of truth in it? There’s a huge difference in professionalism and integrity between the Times and Caribou Barbie.

That can’t be right. I have it on good authority that the GOP won’t allow hypocrites and will expel both Vitter and Ensign because the GOP hounded Clinton with BJGate.


The thread isn’t about them, they aren’t national figures, they haven’t run for president nor hinted at future plans to do so. Unsurprisingly, people are focusing more on the well-known, popular, former and perhaps future presidential candidate who had a role in Clemmons’ release.

All the articles I’ve read mention the boards that granted Clemmons parole, but since none of them are public figures, nobody really cares about them. That’s how it goes.

Well, it was that difference that made him eligible for parole, right? I’d say that’s a rather significant factor.

Not to mention that I wait with bated breath for the ouster of Governor Mark Sanford (granted, not a national figure but still a standard-bearer for white Christian heterosexual American values).

South Carolina Republicans are trying to get rid of him. They are considering articles of impeachment and further accusations of ethical violations will be reviewed next year.

A lot of us white Christian heterosexual Americans want to see him gone, also.

Vitter & Ensign, too.

As far as I know there won’t be many liberals attending the Iowa caucuses. The thing that matters is how conservatives will respond to this.

If this were an isolated incident he might get by with it, but it’s not. He was dragged over coals in the last primary season because of a pardon, he pardoned an unusually large bunch of convicts and now this. Sure he can make a valid defense of his actions, but I think that will matter little to the Republican base. His opponents would be sure to bring it up. I expect he will not go forward.

The person hurt by this, I think is Romney. He is kind of the opposite of Huck; weak with the Xtians and strong with the moneyed voters. Most of the votes that would have gone to Huck before will go to candidates not named “Romney” now. Huck’s exit would also leave a southern-shaped hole in the field. This could add an extra incentive to Gingrich or Barbour to jump into the race.

That’s a perfectly good rationale for an atheist to use too. Aside from that, “act of God” clauses in policies are just pre-made excuses for the insurance companies to weasel out of paying. Good on Gov. Huckabee on this one, although perhaps he did it for the wrong reasons. :slight_smile: