Hudson River Valley Folklore--Book Titles?

Hudson River Valley Folklore—can anybody give me a title of a book or two on this topic.

And please–I already know about Washington Irving & the Headless Horseman.

Well, there’s Washington Irving
<reads the OP>
Never mind.

You might want to check out the New York Folklore Society, at

or more specifically, their online store:

I’m browsing the books for sale, and while there’s not too much that would help you, there is “I Walked the Road Again: Great Stories from the Catskill Mountains” They also have some books of folklore and folksongs from the Adirondacks and Sacandaga Valley.

What are you looking for, exactly? Quaint stories?
History? How Poughkeepsie got it’s name?

Hudson Valley Tales and Trails

The first & last seem best. :slight_smile:

Carl Carmer, Listen for a Lonesom Drum is more along the Mohawk Trail, and Fingerlakes region, but some of the historical bits sort of edge into leatherstocking country.

quick check on google for it=)

Perfect - go to amazon and search carl carmer, he did a number of histories on different regions of new york state. I personally know about lonesome drum because i had a copy of it. he wrote it originally in the early parts of the 1900s and was interviewing people who were alive in the 1800s for many of the parts so it is very intresting inthe folkloric sense.