Huey Freeman is banned

I disagree with this characterization.
Huey Freeman** had 268 total posts. Of those, only 143 of them were in the Pit. 125 of his posts were not in the Pit, so they couldn’t have been filled with insults.

He posted his last post outside the Pit on 11/24/18. He explains in this post on 12/16/18 why he no longer posts in the rest of the forum.

spoilered for brevity

Of the remaining 143, 27 were in a Pit thread with his name on it. Another 58 were in the Living while Black thread. One would think it’s fine to have an invective-filled screed against posters who are Pitting you. He seems qualified to post in the Living while Black thread. I found some of his posts in that thread interesting.

That leaves 58 remaining posts. Of those posts, here’s a sample of the ones I didn’t find particularly insulting for the Pit. That leaves 54 posts where he might have been insulting others with invective-filled screeds, but I doubt it. Even if all 54 posts were invective-filled screeds, that’s not very many in the Pit, which is supposed to be about invective-filled screeds.

spoilered because of length.

I’m not a Huey Freeman fan. I don’t really care about him. But when these rules start to look like made-up rationalizations or justifications for banning someone, I believe the whole forum loses.

I also don’t like the idea that people who only post in the Pit are somehow suspect. Way back when I started on this board, there was a time when I only hung out in the Pit. I didn’t have time to check out every forum, and I liked how diverse the Pit can be sometimes.

I would agree that if that’s all someone ever did, that would be jerkish. I don’t believe that’s all Huey Freeman ever did. I’ve seen other people in the Pit do it a lot more, especially when they follow people around to do it. AFAICT, Huey Freeman didn’t do that.

I’d be good with a rule against attacking posters’ family members, but then it needs to be modded uniformly and given notice. I’d also be good with a rule that posters can’t use personal information to mock other posters. But again, that would need a rule and be modded the same for everyone.