What the fuck is it with you people? You have to answer everything with a “huh?” Why must you force me to repeat everything I say? Is this some kind of game?
I start to say something and you automatically interject a “huh?” I’m half way through saying something and you interject a “huh?” I’ve completed a statement and you automatically say “huh?”
Why do I have to fucking repeat myself three times because you are too fucking lazy to listen the first time???
You don’t have a fucking hearing problem and I don’t have any fucking problem speaking clear English. If I said, “I heard Sue fucked Joe the boss in the janitor’s closet” you’d have no problem hearing that at a whisper from 20 feet away. I know. I’ve tested it on you, you Mother-Fucker.
I’ve even started using a warning, “so, um, ok, so anyway, I’m about to say something, um…” Yet even when I’ve gotten your attention you still reflexively come back with “huh?”
Why do you have to answer everything with, “huh?” I’m sick of it. When you say “huh” I remain silent. Engage your brain asshole. Replay in your mind what I just said, I know it’s there. But still I get, “huh? What did you say? No really, I didn’t hear you?” Bullshit. You heard me just fine, fuckwad.
I have a clear speaking voice. Foreigners whose English is their second, third or fifteenthybillyuth language understand me just fine. My significant other has a hearing problem due to a stroke and she hears me just fine (except when she doesn’t want to).
So fuck you and your “huhs?” I’m not repeating myself. You didn’t “hear” it, too fucking bad for you. Start listening, asshole. The world’s not all about you, you stupid fuck.