Humor/Horror?Dark Fantasy Novel. Heard Of It Here. Title?

The story was about a diner in a small town that sat on a door to another dimension. Lovecraftian horrors were trying to get into our world. A werewolf & a vampire in a pickup truck were trying to stop it. The villain was a local HS girl, Asian, who, with the help of her bumbling boyfriend, was trying to open the path. A female graveyard ghost was also featured. This was played for laughs.

It was mentioned on the SDMB a year or two ago.

What was the title?

[url=]Gil’s All-Fright Diner.
Fun book.

Let’s code it right: Gil’s All-Fright Diner


Many thanks. :slight_smile:

This is good, then? I saw it in Borders the day after Thanksgiving and have been toying with the idea of ordering it since.

This was indeed a fun book, a fun take-off on horror and zombies.