Hunter S. Thompson is DEAD??? Where have I been? Say it ain't so Gonzo!!

Oh my Frigg’in God! How on earth could I have missed his passing??? :smack: :confused:

I grew up reading the guy, enjoyed his columns, loved his books and bios, I CAN’T BELIEVE HE’S DEAD. And I missed it in February!!! I just found out because I was researching a quote I wanted from one of his columns, and I saw his memorial info. Private memorial, not public, on August 20th… I stumbled across Ralph Steadman’s memorial site, that has a pic of his memorial print. I’m still awestruck that I missed this. Anyone know any details?

Suicide. Although I think his widow claims a conspiracy.

Oh, here’s one of the threads about it.

In true Hunter S. Thompson gonzo journalist fashion, you really ought to list what pharmecuticals induced your blackout at the time. :wink:

Too much LDS?


I knew there was something odd about those Mormons!

Take your pick - I think it was the Ether…then again, it very well could have been the tremendous migration of so many Bats that threw off my equilibrium. Gad Damn Bats! Bats everywhere!!!

[sup]…sshhhh…what was that?..did you smell something?[/sup]

Are you sure it isn’t time for a colorful metaphor?

Hell yes.

Damn shame when one Cornell man zongs another!

well, there was that little matter of abandoning the SDMB for a half-year… How else are you supposed to keep in touch with all major cultural developments?

You stop reading Doonesbury and you risk falling behind on current events.

Cleaning out the big bedroom so that I can move into it (and change the medium bedroom into a library), I found Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. I put it aside to read, but I might just watch the DVD instead. (I’ve got two books and two magazines going right now.)

Double-dumb-ass on you!