Hurricane Sandy Photos - Four Months Later

In talking to some friends in other parts of the country, I’ve noticed a prevailing thought of “Everything at the shore is all fixed up from that trouble you had with Sandy, isn’t it?”

So for them, we decided to take a drive from Point Pleasant to Seaside Heights to show how things are looking around here. A lot of improvement from how things were even just a few weeks ago, but a lot of this area still looks like a damn bomb hit it.

Photo Gallery

4 months.
it took 14 months to get back in my house after Katrina.
fixing lots of things at the same time is harder than it looks.

Alas, “this content is currently unavailable”.

Still unavailable

The gallery worked for me.

Our village still has several houses that are halfway collapsed due to Irene, back in August 2011. I know at least a couple of the owners have just abandoned them for good.

My parents have been waiting 2 years to get their house fixed/rebuilt after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Current estimate is that work will begin in October of this year.

If it makes you feel any better there are several homes still sitting in ruins here from Hurricane Ivan in September 2004.

Took about two months just to have all the roads cleared and full restore power to those buildings that were not too heavily damaged.

At three months most of the derelict cars were removed and the schools reopened.

By five months most of the buildings that could be made safe for habitation at least had a temporary roof. People started moving out of their friend’s garage and such.

By six months those trees that had not recovered any vegetation were marked to be taken down. Don’t need dead trees blowing over in the next storm.

By the time the next hurricane season rolled around no one was taking any chances with even a tropical storm. Full windows boarding up. All cars moved to high ground.

Rebuilding continued at an accelerated pace for a couple years.

We’ve been back to Seaside since Sandy. My wife has been back twice.
Part of the problem has been succeeding storms – they’d gotten all the sand out by the time I got there, but a later storm deposited a rich harvest of sand all over the street. It didn’t help that many of the beach-retaining dunes had been breached or completely gone, but there still would have been flooding even without that.

Betwween the storm’s destruction and the new guidelines (rauise the houses, or get incredibly expensive flood insurance), the result is devastating.

The storm damage isn’t restricted to the oceanfront, eith. My home town is miles inland in New Jersey, but on a river. It’s been flooded more than once since Sandy – most recently just last week. Floods are reaching levels they’ve never hit before, and in my town you certainly dcan’t blame it on washed-away sand dunes. The later floods have caused more damage to structures being repaired or to things that have come in since, including a Food Bank.

No doubt. I have a couple of friends who had the storm swell barrel through their homes (these are places a mile inland, mind you – they just happen to live near a creek bed or a wash where the water found a way to travel) and take everything out of the bottom floor.

No flood insurance, of course, since there was never a realistic chance of flooding. To a man, they’re just hoping to find a buyer for the land. If nothing else, new home construction is going to be a booming industry here for awhile…

Huh. The folder is definitely set to “public viewing”, but I just tested the link in another browser and you’re right, I’m getting that error too. Lemme look into it.

My home town is much more than a mile inland, but it’s on a river (a tributary of a river, actually). There’s a history of occasional flooding on the lower-lying streets, but never anything like we have seen since Sandy. Not only the lower-lying areas of my town*, but the next town ovber, on the other bank, has been devastated as well.

*the water has ruined all the stores on one downtown street that has never before flooded, and the Sandy surge came as high as the Post Office and Borough Hall – both well above any expected water level, and has caused such flooding in the bank building that mold has grown all the way to the ceiling.

Don’t know why it won’t display the album for everyone, but it looks like individual pictures will display:


Devastating. My cousin’s home in Point Pleasant had a foot and a half of water on the first floor.
As for the last couple of pictures – that sand covering the remaining boardwa;lk, I understand, was removed after Sandy – it was brought back up by the later storms.

Sandy damage, one year (or thereabouts) later.