Hydra in the aquarium

Why does overfeeding brine shrimp cause a hydra infestation?

Any chance they may have been introduced by live plants? Overfeeding can certainly make things worse…

From a little nosing around, I get the impression that it’s not overfeeding your pet brine shrimp that causes the problem, but overfeeding your other pets (fish) with brine shrimp. The hydras eat excess brine shrimp.

I think hydras are present in a lot of water sources and are often present in small numbers in fish tanks. They eat small invertebrates such as brine shrimp, copepods and daphnia (“water fleas.”) I presume that dumping a lot of brine shrimp into your tank can lead to a population boom of fat and happy hydras.

Yes, that is what I have been doing.

I thought they came in from some vallisneria from Tricker, but they are only in the tanks to which I feed BS.