While cleaning out my medicine cabinet, I found 4 pills of Hydrocodone 5/500. It has a use by date of 10/08/04. Since it is past the experation date, is the medicine safe to take? Is there any negitive effects of taking the medication after the use by date?
Please tell me it is safe to take, these drugs will be great the next time I have a REALLY bad headache.
They go on to say that a study by the military found that:
So I wouldn’t worry about the safety or efficacy of your prescription. I wouldn’t suggest using a narcotic of that strength for a headache, either, but that’s not what you asked.
According to my doc, the worst that can happen is a loss of effect, in which case I would worry. I would NOT take these for a headache, and I would definitely recommend a little more research with this particular drug before you experiment or test my doctors knowledge.
Just for safety’s sake I remember reading somewhere (here?) that at least one antibiotic (tetracycline) can be dangerous if used past the expiration date.
Yes, tetracycline is one of a few drugs that can be fatal when it has gone bad. You should always be careful when taking drugs to store them correctly and such, since some drugs do create toxic by-products, etc. That said, most are safe well beyond the stated expiration date. Personally, I’d toss anything a year after it expires.