Hyperbolic Parania, the Return

Okay, folks, repeat after me:

The Government is not out to get you. The Government is not out to get you.

The USA isn’t Germany c. 1938.

I will not blow up a federal building in a lame attempt to start a revolution.

Okay, stop repeating me now…It’s annoying…

I’ve heard enough of this crap.

Ya know what? Clinton and Reno were not out to take away the 2nd Amendment so they could impose martial law and take over the country. But then, you knew that. In fact, you probably thought it was a mind-bogglingly stupid idea when you heard it. Paranoid fantasies of right wing loons with nothing better to do than dress up in fatigues and pretend to be a “militia”.

And yet, you stand there are scream that Bush and Ashcroft are suspending the 1st Amendment so that they can impose martial law and take over the country, and you expect me to take you more seriously? You don’t realise that this is just as mind-bogglingly stupid? A paranoid fantasy of left wing loons with nothing better to do than lie down in the street and pretend to be dead?

I kind of admire you nutbars and freaks, its people like you, along with those 1st and 2nd Amendments, that will keep martial law from ever happening. You paranoids and goons will be the first to rise up in protest or even armed conflict should the Guverment start sniffing around too much. Though you will be premature and probably wrong, you will bring attention to more reasonable people who will better be able to judge the situation. You, my friend, are the Randy Weaver of 21 Century!

Just, please God, whatever you do…Don’t blow anything up!

But cherry-bombing the middle-school toilet because my math teacher hates me and my mom won’t buy me a motorcycle is all I have to look forward to. :frowning:

Projectiles are not hyperbolic but parabolic. And what’s “parania”. Is it some kind of explosive?

“Hyperbolic” is also the adjectival form of “hyperbole.”

I’m guessing “parania” is supposed to be “paranoia.”

I have obviously been sabotaged by the Department of “Justice” as part of an attempt by the Shriners to take over New Hampshire and give it to Djubuti. Or something…


In the history of the world, there has never been a nation that stood the test of time. Why would the United States be any different?

Yes…big government is out to take away the civil liberties of its citizens. This is human nature. There is nothing we can do about it but keep it in check.

Every time our government leans too far to one side, we are in danger of succombing to the will of an elected dictatorship.

Yes, I fear the loss of my liberties. Always remember…it is much easier to lose one liberties than it is to gain them. Why? Because the loss of an individuals rights is, more often than not, done at the request of the individual. It isn’t until it is too late that the individual reaizes what is happening.

I got lazy with apostrophes in that last paragraph. It should read:

Yes, I fear the loss of my liberties. Always remember…it is much easier to lose one’s liberties than it is to gain them. Why? Because the loss of an individual’s rights is, more often than not, done at the request of the individual. It isn’t until it is too late that the individual realizes what is happening.

I never left, I’ve just been in hiding.

Lurking, if you will.

Respectfully disagree. Every time our government leans too far to one side, the pendulum swings to the other side.

Hyperbola is a country in South America. Parania is a pleateau-like region in that country which also extends to other countries. So “Hyperbolic Parania” means you were out on the parania in Hyperbola as opposed to neighboring Belgeusia or Crusto del Marco.

That is all.

I thunk it were one o them ay-rab countries what we need ta invade.

You are neglecting thousands of years of history by putting the United States of America, a mere blip on the radar of mankind, on a pedestal immune to the errors others have made.

Sorry, I thought you said “our government,” not any government since the beginning of time. I’m not saying we’re immune from all danger.

The existence of a truly representative government is relatively new, as you said. The U.S. Constitution was quite carefully and deliberately drawn up to avoid as many of the mistakes of the past as possible, and has survived a number of difficult situations that might have caused the collapse of a weaker and less balanced system. (The British Parliamentary system, upon which the U.S. Constitution was partly based, seems to have held up rather nicely as well.)

Nothing’s immortal, of course, but your post sounded like you thought there was some kind of imminent doomsday. If I misinterpreted, my apology. The point was simply that a swing to one extreme or another, in our system, has been corrected numerous times in our brief history, and I see no reason not to be optimistic about its continuing to do so.