If the speed limit is 70 mph on a well-maintained U.S. interstate and there is very light traffic, and it’s at night, and you somehow knew that there were not going to be any cops on the road, and gas mileage/tires/engine wear were not an issue, how fast would you go? Also, state why you chose this mph. Was it for safety purposes, and/or out of respect for the other drivers who are obeying the limit? Also, was it because of the type of car you have (corvette compared to an SUV) and it’s capabilities to brake and swerve?
I just think it would be cool to know peoples’ idea of a reasonable speed to drive, because I drive 84mph in a 70mph zone and my opinion is that it is reasonable and safe, but some other people I talk to don’t think it’s safe.
I love this board… it’s the only place I could ask this question and actually get replies (hopefully)!
I drive between 80 and 85 MPH on the 15 freeway going to Las Vegas. That drops to 65 within 20 miles of Barstow.
I take into consideration the stability of the car, Wind speeds, absense of cops, and overall road conditions. Any faster than that and my milage drops. I did go triple digits one time just to be able to say I went over a hundred but that lasted less than a minute and I had both hands firmly on the wheel.
I mostly pace with other fast cars. Sometimes theyre ahead, sometimes I am. We weave around the slower ones opening up spaces for the other to get thru. Its great to have to keep alert and have a 50-50 chance of getting away from a ticket. Chances are good that the cop is only going to stop one car.
Knowing there’d be no cops and there was no traffic, ninety or so. Maybe a little less if the top was down. My car’s a roadster so it does just fine with handling and such.
During the 1992 L.A. Riots, I was driving on 710. A large percentage of drivers, including me, were going over 90 in a 55 (now 65) because we knew the cops were busy with more important things.
In the OP’s hypo, 90 or so. I’d probably go over 100 now and then.
I was cruising down the Princes Highway toward Berwick, reaching a speed of 140 km/h on an 80 road. Don’t tell anyone.
Curiously enough I only ever seem to see cop cars when I’m stopped at or approaching an intersection. If I ever see a 5-0 mobile when driving at my normal speed (anywhere from 5-20 over the limit) I’m sure I’ll be promptly pulled over and have the shit beaten out of me (P-Plate driver).
Anyone else find someone named Fuel asking about speeding funny? Nope? 'K, just me, then.
I generally go 85-90 on the freeways, traffic permitting. Getting caught every few years doesn’t take away from the satisfaction I get all the other times. I’d probably maintain near the same speed, even knowing there weren’t going to be speed traps. 90ish just feels comfortable.
Gas mileage not an issue? No cops? I’ll have the loud pedal mashed all the way to the floor…depending on which car I’m in, that’s good for about 140/110/100MPH…
I go as fast as can whenever I can. God, I love Montana.
As I can depends on road conditions, time of day, my general attitude (sleeply, hungry…) and the car I’m in.
I’ve driven so many not-my-cars in the last few months, that when I findally got in my own car at home today, I had forgotten how to work the radio! My clutch work was fine, though.
Probably 90-95, just because it feels right in my current car. And the V1 would still be on because I’d think it was some kind of a trick when you said “no cops”. (And of course, if someone came up behind me going faster, I would merge right and allow them to pass.)
I don’t understand the part about respecting people who drive the limit. Do people actually feel disrespected when someone chooses to drive faster than they’re driving?
At night, I rarely feel comfortable driving over 100 - 110mph. Even with massive breaks, very sticky tires and xenon headlights, you just can’t anticipate things far enough ahead to keep from killing yourself.
In daylight, however, I would (and have) probably cruise between 120mph and 130mph. Above that and things start to get very surreal. I once went flat out (155) for about 10 miles and it wore me the hell out. I followed a corvette for about 100 miles at 120mph and it wasn’t that big of a deal.
I would drive about 80-85. If it were on Interstate 5 through central California, I would go 90-95.
And I would stay in the right lane until I needed to pass, and then get back in the right lane. Because the rule is to allow people to pass you on the left.
lol… reminds me of when I went down to little rock a few months ago… the person in my passenger seat tells me to look at my speedometer, and it’s reading 105. In answer to the OP, probably about 80… but then again, i’d have to worry about my car just dieing… it’s a '92 honda civic with >196k miles on it
Hypothetically, if I was say in South Dakota on say I-90, in the day I might say go 90-95. I could then cover the 400 or so miles across Minnesota and SD in oh under 5 hours. Now this is all hypothetical because at 90-95mph on I-90 the front tire on my motorcycle becomes light and my gas milage goes down pretty quick.
A few possible relevant facts:
• Age 26, male
• car type - Mustang GT
• average speed limit in my area - 60mph
• average speed for other drivers - 65-70mph
In my Volvo, about 65. In my van, 85. That’s the maximum comfortable speed for the vehicles–any faster than that and it feels like parts might start flying off…
I’d probably go 85-95 given the conditions stated in the OP. If I had a car that could safely go faster I would try it. East of Boise on I-84 is a long, straight stretch of highway for which you can see for miles ahead of you, so this area would be ideal for such driving. I’d primarily be concerned about my car’s handling and my fuel usage. Slower drivers? Hell with them if they “respect” the speed limit, although I wouldn’t want to put their safety at risk.
About a year ago I was out at 4:00 AM having left my then-girlfriend’s place. To go home I took a rural highway that ran for 15 miles with only a couple traffic lights along the way. There was virtually no traffic out and I went about 85-90 most of the way. I slowed down when approaching major intersections in case a cop may have been coming. I also slowed down if I saw oncoming headlights just to be safe.
In my Kia Rio, I wouldnt go above 80 for extended periods of time for fear of engine damage. If not for that, I would take it up , 5 mph at a time, until it felt like it was handling funny.
When I had my Neon, same deal, but bigger MPH limits. It felt fine even up to 105 MPH, but I didnt go above 90 for an extended period due to engine considerations. So in an open road on a Neon, probably about 90.
(dont tell anyone, but I once took the Neon to 120 just to see what it was like. Didnt seem to be handling weird, but something tells me I couldnt trust my feelings on that one.)
The most I did at eleven Pm, a real foggy night in a 65 vw bug with 6 volt lighting system on winding Highway 1 south of Big Sur Calif was 60mph. I wouldn't do it again.