As I posted in MPSIMS, my mother is having a hysterectomy on Monday. She has a large fibroid that can not be removed any other way. What can she expect? Complications?
My mom had one a few years ago. I teased her about growing a mustache and stuff, but the truth is, I’ve seen no difference in her moods, attitude, etc…
With any surgery there is always the possibility of complications. Just cross your fingers and hope everything goes well, as it usually does. She’ll be sore for a while, and probably won’t be doing much house-work for the first little while (unless she’s like my mother, in which case she’ll be outside trying to rake leaves the day she comes home from the hospital.), but it shouldn’t take too long until things start returning to normal.
Best thing for her… support from the family.
Search for hysterectomy at
Hospital for a few days. No bending over.Then you need someone to assist you for a couple weeks if possible.No Sex for a month or more.& Lots of doctors visits to find out what you can do.
I had one in March, and did experience some complications. However, I’m not exactly in good health. Most women don’t have much in the way of complications. Mostly, she’ll need to take it pretty easy for a couple of weeks, and there will be pain. The second night after the hysterectomy is the worst, from my own experience and from everyone I’ve talked to. However, I feel much better now, and your mom will probably feel much better after she recovers. Just make sure she doesn’t try to do too much too soon. Getting up and walking around is good. Getting up and trying to do any work, particularly housework, is bad.
My wife had the same operation 2-years ago. The advice she remembers is: “Don’t bend, strectch, or lift anything weighing more than a wash cloth”.
She also recommends being ABSOLUTELY SURE that a hysterectomy is the ONLY solution.
Life should resume ‘normal’ within a year or so.
My girlfriend went thru this earlier this year. They only took the uterus & left the ovaries. Cut through the abs to do the surgery.
Let me tell you what she did after the operation. She refused to take any medication for the discomfort at all. Believe it or not, Poysyn. No aspirin either.
Also, they can either do it by going in the vagina or cutting the abs. You’d have to ask the doctor which way they want to approach it.
I had a hysterectomy when a tubal pregnancy ruptured and it was the only way to stop the bleeding.
If your mom has a very large fibroid, there will probably be an incision in her abdomen. Like all others said, she will need to take it easy for a week or so to let it heal.
If you are asking about hormonal changes, i.e. going through changes and hair growing and stuff, that will depend on whether or not she retains her ovaries.
As far as sex drive and such, I’m just peachy. And I don’t miss the periods one little bit.
I’m sure your mom will do fine. Don’t worry.