I Am An Idiot! (David Eddings Novel)

I bought a hardcover fantasy novel from the discount rack.

It’s almost too difficult to admit - I bought, “The Dreamers”, by David and Leigh Eddings.

Trying to read this HORRIBLE book is comparable to poking myself in the eye. Poking and poking and poking and poking. There was a time, long long ago when I looked forward to a David Eddings novel.

I’m not sure who I should inflict this junk on since I just CAN’T throw a book away. Any takers?

Re-sell it to a used bookstore? That’s what I do with the stinkers.

when I was 14 the Belgariad was my favourite series of books. I had to bid a fond farewell to Mr Eddings after wading through Redemption of Althalus. I have no intention of picking up the Elder Gods series.

It’s very sad.

I just introduced my son (13 years) to the Belgariad, and he zoomed through all five books rather quickly. I don’t have the heart to tell him that his other stuff isn’t nearly as good.

Zev Steinhardt

Oh, dear lord. I read the first in the Elder Gods series and my intestines tried to leap up into my throat to strangle me in an attempt to escape the horror. :eek:

I had that moment with Regina’s Song (or whatever it’s called). I remember how much I LOVED the Belgariad/Mallorean when I was a young teen, and how every character seemed full of life. Now it seems like caricature and heavy-handed symbolism.

Once you read someone like Gene Wolfe, you can’t go back to the Eddings of the book work. So sad.

I like the Belgariad, the Malloreon, and the two trilogies (I forget what they’re called). I didn’t much like the Dreamers, for reasons that others have stated.

I liked the Belgariad and Malloreon. I read them and Redemption of Althalus (which I enjoyed) every so often still. Usually when I’m on a nostalgia kick.

Regina’s Song was okay, but forgettable. The Sparhawk books I only slogged through because I was under the impression it was the same world as Belgariad, but for whatever reason I didn’t realize that it wasn’t so until I got through the first trilogy. I started reading The Dreamer’s, but after a couple of times getting it out from the library and not getting anywhere beyond the first chapter I decided it wasn’t meant to be.

Not to mention, racist. A character’s dominent personality trait is almost always defined by what nation they come from. Everyone from country X is greedy, everyone from country Y is sneaky and devious, everyone from country Z is stupid and easily manipulated. Eddings doesn’t try to relate his fictional races to real-world races, so it’s not actually offensive, but it’s just as stupid and lazy as real-world racism.

The Elenium and the Tamuli.

I read them somewhere around 1998, and kept re-reading them every six months or so. Then I eventually realized that Eddings has one story type and does it to death. At least these were three-book series, unlike the Belgariad which took five books to tell the same story.

The only thing I’d buy from Eddings these days is if they ever put the Belgariad/Mallorean on unabridged audio tape. I didn’t even particularly enjoy the two spin-off novels (who’s names escape me…the one’s about Polgara and Belgarath), though they were much better than his later tripe.


You might want to check out The Rivan Codex.

Zev Steinhardt

Umm… they were called “Belgarath the Sorcerer” and “Polgara the Sorceress” :smiley:

Zev Steinhardt

Eh, I once was about 200 pages into a book when I realized I had read the thing before. Now that is idiocy!

Moorcock did that to me.

Reading one of his fantasy books. I thought I might have read it before. By the time I finished it I still thought I might have read it before.

Realizing that it didn’t matter put me off Moorcock for twenty years…

:stuck_out_tongue: I know…it was a joke.


Pretty sure that I don’t.

Did anyone read The Losers? I had read the Elenium directly before that, liked it, and was a bit shocked by The Losers. I’ve never read the Belgariad, should I bother?

IMHO its one of the classics of this type of book…so I guess that would be a ‘yes, you should bother’. :stuck_out_tongue:


But if they’re all the same plot… :stuck_out_tongue: