I am now Officially Old

My daughter’s boyfriend recently realized that my husband and I are old enough to be his mother’s parents (technically). Freaked us all out a bit, that did. Of course, it helps to remember that his mother was only 16 when he was born, but still. . .

Add that to the fact that my baby left for college this last month. Geesh, this hill just gets steeper and slipperier all the time.

Yep, when you look at somebody and think… hmmmmmm… now that’d be a nice piece of… errrr… waitaminnit… he coulda been my son if I was of the inclination to have reproduced… :o Still… he would be a nice piece of… ya know? I’ve been drinkin’… get over it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Or when you change careers as I have done and the person who is supposed to be your supervisor or as they are referred to at work… “team leader” feels like he or she should address you as “Sir” or “Mister swampbear” and sort of stammers around about it until you just have to say “Oh, just call me swampbear”. Now that makes one feel old!

ETA: Dang samclem you are an old fart ain’t ya! :smiley:

You want to feel old?

You remember the invasion of Kuwait and the Gulf War - it was a recent event, right?

Well imagine a soldier who served in the Gulf War and came home and spent the night celebrating his safe return with his wife and she got pregnant.

That kid got his driver’s license last week.

I knew I was old when I picked up the local arts weekly paper and took a look at the top 20 new music albums. I knew none of the singers, none of the bands, none of nothing. Never even heard of 'em.

That, and I remember when Michael Jackson was black.

The first time I felt old was in the mid-1970s, when I heard a young girl excitedly ask her friends, “Hey, did you know Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?”

You’re old when you are older than Chief Justice Roberts.

You’re old when your baby brother turns 80. (not me, my aunt)

hmpf. Whippersnappers.

I ran into a high school classmate last week and she reminded me that we had our 30th class reunion this year. THIRTIETH.

How did THAT happen???

This reminds me of my stepson. When he was in middle school (mid 1990’s) he discovered this new artist with awesome guitar talent…by the name of Santana… :smack:

I know I’ve posted this before, but when my middle kid was in junior high her teacher put up a timeline on the blackboard that included his birthyear. It was four years after I graduated from high school!

I remember when Michael Jackson was a child.

You mean, yesterday?

Lisa Welch.

The first playmate who was younger than me.
Saw it over the summer while working in the bindery where they printed Playboys. Funny how some things stick with you.

I always think of Sam Stone as one of our respected elder conservatives. I might not agree with him in political debate, partly because I have greenish libertarian socialist tendencies, but I always like to read what he says. I always have the impression that he is ten years older than me.

We’re the same age. :eek:

Age is crossing the street and seeing a head-turner of a girl, and then realising she was probably born after you graduated from school.

Age is hearing the music you grew up with all over the place, and then realising that it’s now considered elevator music. :frowning:

And even worse, many of them just won’t stay off my lawn! :: shakes fist at young’uns ::

Well, I can get away with that. I’m a mere 43. :slight_smile:

So your birthday is the 8th? (If I’m reading the timestamp correctly.) Mine too! I just turned a year older than my mother was when I was born. I’m only in my mid-twenties, but that gave me pause, and her as well. A few years ago she complained that my baby brother’s teacher was only a couple years older than I am, and I reminded her of her age when she first got her teaching certification. Now it doesn’t seem quite old enough to have kids, yet, somehow…

I was dismayed to discover that the University of Waterloo is now twice as old as when I started there. :frowning:

It’s weird to think that a 26 year old has always lived with answering machines, color TV, computers, and microwaves. It’s especially weird when your GF is that 26 year old and you’re 10 years older and are therefore some sort of ancient being by comparison.

>I remember when Michael Jackson was black.

I remember BEFORE he was!

I thought my mother was old, old, old when she had my younger sisters. I was 17 when they were born and my mother, 39. I got my come-uppance when I too reproduced at an “advanced age” – 41. Goodness my mother was young when those twins were born. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here at work we’re talking about celebrating our agency’s 40th anniversary. I was stunned to realize that I’d overseen the design of the logo when we had our 25th! That made me feel tremendously old!

They say you’re only as old as the woman you feel–maybe it applies to boys too.

There’s a woman at my company who decided when she started that she’d work here only until her first child was born. That “child” worked here for about ten years before quitting to take care of her own firstborn–and the woman is still here, as are her husband and son-in-law.
Another woman celebrated her 25th anniversary with the company–at age 44.

I’m only 35, but I consider myself old. I don’t want to learn new things or improve anything, I just want to keep doing things the same way until I retire, and I get cranky when my whippersnapper coworker tries to automate things.