I apologize to DC Comics

Back in 1999 or so, DC Comics started a major storyline that culminated in the election of Lex Luthor as President of the United States. At the time this outraged many a fan(myself included)-who the hell would believe the American public would forget the background of such a character and be manipulated enough to elect such a self-serving blowhard that has never been shown to give a shit about anyone but himself for his entire life? Superheroes and supervillians we could buy, but…this?

In light of the results of our recent election, I humbly apologize to DC Comics and the writers and editors of that storyline. Who knew?

In fairness to Lex Luthor and DC Comics, while evil, I believe he was also a genius, no?

Sadly, we cannot even take comfort in that being the case.

That is the embarrassing part of all this, yes.

Fuckity fuck fuck. I forgot about that. That was clearly a jump the shark moment for DC.

Has America jumped the shark?

I’m just curious–if you put an orange wig on Lex Luthor, what would he look like?

Lex Luthor didn’t have Donald Trump’s hair, so Lex’s election was a little more believable.

Gene Hackman.

I always thought there was some potential in that storyline. As President, Lex would kind of be beyond Superman’s job description. Instead his major nemesis would more likely be a journalist, like Clark Kent. That could set up an interesting dynamic. I’m not sure if anyone did anything with that though.

Plus this is post Crisis Luthor, so no supervillainy, just “normal” ultra wealthy business tactics.

Neither does Trump.

Nah, it’s real. Well, maybe not the color, but he let Jimmy Fallon muss it up.

Neither God nor nature created that hair.

Never said it’s not real, it’s just not his.